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Research and Document Good Backend Developer Practices #332

Open MucahitErdoganUnlu opened 2 months ago

MucahitErdoganUnlu commented 2 months ago

🧱 Description

Mücahit previously returned JSON Response message bodies randomly. For example, in the same Django REST view, he returned {'error': 'Failed to retrieve data from Wikidata.'} at some part and {"res":"Please provide a valid keyword."} in another. However, error or res are important for the frontend to develop. Therefore, a consistent payload field names should be followed. These kind of good practices should be researched and documented.

MucahitErdoganUnlu commented 2 months ago
MucahitErdoganUnlu commented 2 months ago

refer to pip freeze > requirements.txt considered harmful @Meminseeker

Meminseeker commented 2 months ago

From now on, we'll update our requirements.txt file by hand. You can announce this in the discussions section @MucahitErdoganUnlu

Thanks for the document, it explains it thoroughly

Meminseeker commented 2 months ago

But I guess your issue description needs to be updated. Let's take a look at together :)

MucahitErdoganUnlu commented 2 months ago

python migrate <app_name> zero is used to drop a table that is migrated to the database

MucahitErdoganUnlu commented 2 months ago