bounswe / bounswe2024group12

This repository contains Group 12's work for CMPE 352 - Spring 2024.
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Prepare Requirements for the Project #256

Closed isilsukarakuzuu closed 1 month ago

isilsukarakuzuu commented 1 month ago


We should write and check our requirements for this project.

Acceptance Criteria


This issue will be reviewed by: @isilsukarakuzuu @sonerkuyar @yusufaygun

ahmetfirat23 commented 1 month ago

I will check the last draft, propose changes if necessary.

ahmetfirat23 commented 1 month ago

I made some comments and suggested some changes to the requirements. Can you please take a look at them @ounuvar @ozankaymak ? Also, we were supposed to add different user types, but I didn't see any mentions. Should I add that myself, or should we discuss it in the next lab? Also, we need to write our elicitation questions, which may need to have its own issue.

ounuvar commented 1 month ago

I've completed the requirements document and added it to the wiki. You can find it in the sidebar. Elicitation questions can be discussed under the elicitation issue.