To enable users to create posts in a user-friendly manner, we need a frontend implementation for a Post Modal Page. This will allow users to build posts by adding various sections using drag-and-drop functionality. The page will follow the provided mockup guidelines and will not include backend integration at this stage.
This feature addresses the following requirements: The system shall require registered users to add a title to posts. The system shall allow registered users to add tags to posts. The system shall allow registered users to add their portfolios to posts. The system shall allow registered users to add news to posts. The system shall allow registered users to add ideas in the form of text to posts. The system shall allow registered users to add line charts of stocks to posts. The system shall store the author of posts. The system shall store the creation date of posts. The system shall store the last edit date of posts. The system shall store the like count of posts. The system shall be able to list comments related to a post.
Required Activities
[ ] Implement a modal page with sections to build posts based on mockup screens.
[ ] Add drag-and-drop functionality for users to rearrange sections.
[ ] Include input fields for title, tags, text ideas, line charts, and more.
[ ] Design a submission flow that simulates creating a new post with mock data.
[ ] Ensure the modal page is responsive and consistent with the application's UI theme.
To enable users to create posts in a user-friendly manner, we need a frontend implementation for a Post Modal Page. This will allow users to build posts by adding various sections using drag-and-drop functionality. The page will follow the provided mockup guidelines and will not include backend integration at this stage.
This feature addresses the following requirements:
Required Activities
Estimated Time
12 hours
18 Nov 2024