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Research Elasticsearch, Lexvo and Wordnet for Searching functionality #277

Open arastasci opened 2 months ago

arastasci commented 2 months ago

Issue Description

Elasticsearch is a search engine that can be useful in means of improving the quality of semantic search in the project. Provide solutions for linking words , meanings using Lexvo and Wordnet. Research about their API.

Estimated Time

Estimated Time: 2 hours


Deadline: 10/10/2024 19.00

Reviewer Assignment

Reviewer: @oktayozel Review Deadline: 11/10/2024 19.00

kaanyolcu22 commented 1 month ago

some possible usage is lexvo like this which provides various about synonyms and meanings ,related words and translations . They are linked with like lvont:broader , lvont:nearlySameAs, lvont:mean . This functionality can be used so efficiently in our application for providing the multiple choice answers to linking the data which we search to the quizzes. On the other hand , wordnet does not provide us such a link that we might use . It only provides synonyms and meanings it is more like a dictionary.