The team's responsibilities for this Lab are detailed below. This message is quoted directly from the official CMPE 451 Moodle Page.
Create a PR dedicated to this lab session where you will link work done in this lab: commits, wiki pages, issues, meeting notes, etc. Start the PR with a commit in a new branch. Then, add commits to the branch, and document all the work in the PR description and comments. The commits should include co-authors, if there are any, see here. The description and comments should include the names of the main contributors related to the linked work. The PR should be finalized today at 8:00 PM.
Document 2 user stories of a group of people each that would use your system in a specific location (e.g. work, Taiwan), time (e.g. morning), and duration (e.g. 15 minutes). The users need not have names, images, etc., but they should have specific demographics. It's not a single person but a group of people with similar characteristics regarding the user story.
Substantial commit(s) regarding UX design catered to the above-mentioned user stories.
Substantial commit(s) regarding UI similarity between the web and mobile versions of the system.
The team's responsibilities for this Lab are detailed below. This message is quoted directly from the official CMPE 451 Moodle Page.