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Shopping Cart - Add / Delete Items from Cart #50

Closed ChaseHamby closed 5 years ago

ChaseHamby commented 5 years ago

User Story

As a user, I should see a shopping cart on the right hand side of the A La Carte page.

As a user, I should be able to click an add or + symbol and add an item to my shopping cart. The item should display in my cart underneath the package line item. The purchase total should reflect the price of the items in my cart.

As a user, I should also be able to delete items from my shopping cart. Upon hitting the 'remove' button, the item should disappear from the cart.

Acceptance Criteria

• You can add or remove items from your shopping cart and it update in the cart in real time

Tech Notes

• Create addProduct function to add items to the shopping cart • Use deleteProduct function to remove items from your shopping cart

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