bouteillerAlan / blurredwallpaper

kde plasma wallpaper plugin that blur the wallpaper when a window is active
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Idea: Support for wallpaper slideshows #2

Closed orychalk closed 1 year ago

orychalk commented 1 year ago

Do you have planned to integrate slideshows ? It's may be very cool to have multiple wallpapers blurred 😄

Thanks in advance.

bouteillerAlan commented 1 year ago

Hi 👋 I have some time next week I can check that :)

Shaurya-Kalia commented 1 year ago

Hi wave I have some time next week I can check that :)

Thanks a lot for considering this. Slideshow blur will encompass the functionality of even the current plugin

bouteillerAlan commented 1 year ago

Working on it on

bouteillerAlan commented 1 year ago

Hello there 👋

I don't know how long it takes for the list included in "get a new plugin" to be updated. But I made the feature :smile:

There is a problem that is being fixed, when I find out why it exists ^^

Shaurya-Kalia commented 1 year ago

Tried it now. Its working perfectly as far as I have tried. Thanks for implementing it. I think its ready for another round at r/kde

bouteillerAlan commented 1 year ago

Tried it now. Its working perfectly as far as I have tried. Thanks for implementing it. I think its ready for another round at r/kde

I have updated the original post, but I don't know if it's a "working" idea, so I planned to make a new one asap :smile:

Thanks for the test !

Shaurya-Kalia commented 1 year ago

I don't think a new plugin is required, since the latest one encompasses the function of earlier too. You can delete the files for older versions from kdestore/pling. That way, existing users will also get an update prompt. Would cause much less confusion if there is single plugin

orychalk commented 1 year ago

Great news 😃 Just updated ... It's work perfectly 😊 Thanks 😃👍

bouteillerAlan commented 1 year ago

I don't think a new plugin is required, since the latest one encompasses the function of earlier too. You can delete the files for older versions from kdestore/pling. That way, existing users will also get an update prompt. Would cause much less confusion if there is single plugin

Yes indeed, good call