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BOUT++: Plasma fluid finite-difference simulation code in curvilinear coordinate systems
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Multiple boundary conditions and third derivative #2798

Open ThitiACHR opened 10 months ago

ThitiACHR commented 10 months ago

Since my work relates to the calculation of gradient and curvature, the first and second derivative, respectively, I have to set the boundary conditions as follows:

  1. p'(y=0) = n'(y=0) = 0 --> bndry_ydow = robin(0,1,0) for both variable.
  2. p(y=a) = 0.01, n(y=a) = 0.1 --> bndry_yup = dirichlet(0.01) and dirichlet(0.1), respectively.
  3. p'''(y=0=a) = n'''(y=0=a) = 0, which is the third derivative. This one is used to control the profile curvature behavior.

My questions are

  1. Can we specify multiple boundary conditions at y = 0 and y = a? For example, at y = a, p(y=a) = 0.01 and p'''(y=a) = 0. If yes, how can I do that?
  2. According to the third derivative (3rd bullet) of p and n, when I want to implement the boundary conditions, how do I do that? Should I create my own boundary condition in this case?

I am new to BOUT++. If anyone knows how to do it, please help. All answers are welcome.

dschwoerer commented 10 months ago

I do not think we have methods for setting the third derivative. I guess your best bet is to use costum boundary conditions.

See e.g. STORM or hermes-3 for examples of custom boundary conditions.

bendudson commented 10 months ago

Hi @ThitiACHR, thanks @dschwoerer !

BOUT++ sets boundary conditions by setting the value of the boundary cells: The boundary is at cell edges, half-way between cell centers.

The default methods are 2nd-order accurate, so only use one boundary cell. In that case only one boundary condition can be applied. To apply two boundary conditions on the same boundary (e.g on p and p''') there must be two boundary cells, which are only used for 4th-order finite difference methods.

e.g The final cell in Y inside the domain is at y = mesh->yend. We have cells like this:

... | yend-1 | yend |X| yend+1 | yend+2 |

where | marks cell edges, and |X| is the boundary location. The value of p at yend-1 and yend is provided by the time integrator. The boundary condition needs to specify the values of p at yend+1 and yend+2.

See e.g.

This iterates over the boundary, ensuring that only the processors at the boundary apply the boundary condition:

for (RangeIterator r = mesh->iterateBndryUpperY(); !r.isDone(); r++) {
        for (int jz = 0; jz < mesh->ngz; jz++) {

Then sets each of the boundary conditions, starting with yend+1

for (int jy = mesh->yend + 1; jy < mesh->ngy; jy++) {

and sets the boundary condition using a mid-point method:

Ne(r.ind, jy, jz) = 2. * nesheath - Ne(r.ind, mesh->yend, jz);

That boundary condition is only applying one (Dirichlet) boundary condition, setting Ne = nesheath at the boundary. For your case you would have to calculate what the values of the two boundary cells should be, to impose your two boundary conditions.

ThitiACHR commented 7 months ago

Hi @dschwoerer and @bendudson

Thank you for your very informative reply. I would like to discuss some more about the model. Could you send me the Slack invitation link to my email: @bendudson

ThitiACHR commented 6 months ago

Hi @bendudson Concerning your suggestion, that means I have to set the value of p and p'' in the boundary cells. For simplicity, I started with the lower-y boundary where boundary conditions are p'=0 and p'''=0. This is my setting in the input file.

[mesh] MYG = 2 # 2 guard cells on each boundary

[mesh:ddy] # using 4th order central finite different for DDY and D2DY2 first = C4 second = C4 ...

[p] bndry_ydown = none # prevent overwritten bndry_yup = dirichlet_o4(0.01) ...

To impose the boundary conditions, I set the values in the boundary cells as shown below, to make p and p'' at y=mesh->ystart-1 = y=mesh->ystart+1 and at y=mesh->ystart-2 = y=mesh->ystart+2, so that p' and p''' will be 0 at y=mesh->ystart, respectively. Note that my PDEs only evolve in the y-direction, so no need to loop in the x and z directions.

for(RangeIterator r = mesh->iterateBndryLowerY(); !r.isDone(); r++){
       for(int jy = mesh->ystart - 1; jy >= 0; jy--){
          p(0,jy,0) = p(0,mesh->ystart+1,0);
          D2DY2(p)(0,jy,0) = D2DY2(p)(0,mesh->ystart+1,0);
          p(0,jy,0) = p(0,mesh->ystart+2,0);
          D2DY2(p)(0,jy,0) = D2DY2(p)(0,mesh->ystart+2,0);

The result is shown below. Note that the figure shows the zoom-in at the lower-y boundary of p, p', p'', and p''' as a function of the grid point index, where y=mesh->ystart locates at index = 2, indices 1 and 0 represent first and second boundary cells, respectively.


The simulation gives me such that p' = 0 at y=mesh->ystart as expected, but p''' is not 0. I think this is because the value of D2DY2(p) in the boundary cells is not followed as I set above.

This is what you meant. Do I understand correctly? If you have time, please point this out.

update 1 The result without boundary cells looks like this output

dschwoerer commented 6 months ago

You need to manually do the taylor expansion around the point of the boundary, and then set the appropriate terms for the inversion, to then extrapolate into the boundary.

I tried to write it up here:

That you could use as a starting point, to set all the desired quantities. Note that for setting third order derivatives, you need a relative high order scheme.

calling DDX/D2DX2 computes the derivate and gives you a field that contains the derivative. Of course you can change that field, but there is no code in BOUT++ to do the inverse and get back to the original field. So updating the original field via the operators will not work.

ThitiACHR commented 6 months ago

I want to make sure I understand correctly. There will be two things I have to be aware of.

  1. When I do the Taylor expansion around the boundary point. The coefficient of the Taylor expansion and the number of neighbor points depend on the accuracy of the derivative scheme. For example, if I use the 4th-order accuracy central finite difference to calculate the third derivative at the boundary, I should expand 3 points on each side of ystartand yend. On one side, the information is provided by the time integrator, and on the other side (i.e., guard cells), I should use the interior points in the simulation domain to extrapolate the value into the guard cells so that the boundary conditions are met.

  2. I should create the D3DY3 operator and use the corresponding order of accuracy (i.e., 4th-order in this case) to calculate and verify the third derivative at each boundary.

In this context what does the inversion mean?

Thank you in advance.

dschwoerer commented 6 months ago

I am not sure I get what you are trying to say.

Consider the following 1d grid. The numbers are the cells, the | are the boundaries: 0 1 | 2 3 4 5 6 7 | 8 9 ^

Assume you want to write a BC for where the ^ is. You take a taylor expansion around ^ of a given order n. Then you know your function at ^ for the first and 3rd derivative. Then you also take n-2 data points in your domain, where you know the value.

This gives you a linear system of equation, for your coefficients. Assuming n is small enough you can solve this analytically (what I referred to as inverting) Once you have your coefficients, you can put them into the taylor expansion to get the values for 0 and 1.

I have linked a script that does the inversion for you. It does not right now allow for setting 3rd derivatives, but should be easily extendable to do so.

I hope that helps.

Verifying the derivative is of course helpful :-)

ThitiACHR commented 5 months ago

I apologize for making you confused. This is what I meant

  1. I want to set the BCs as follows: At LowerY p' = 0 and p'''= 0 At UpperY p = 0.01 and p'''= 0

  2. As you mentioned when setting the third derivative, I need a relatively high-order scheme. Suppose I use the 4th-order accuracy scheme. So the expression will look like this

\dfrac{dp^3}{dy^3} = \dfrac {1\cdot p(y-3h) - 8\cdot p(y-2h) + 13\cdot p(y-h) +0\cdot p(y) - 13\cdot p(y+h) + 8\cdot p(y+2h) - 1\cdot p(y+3h)} {8\cdot h^{3}}

where the values of p at y, y+h, y+2h, and y+3h are provided by time integrator. As you can see we need 3 guard cells to calculate the third derivative, so the stencil should look like this (let's focus on the LowerY boundary)

| ystart-3 | ystart-2 | ystart-1 |x| ystart | ystart+1| ystart+2 | ystart+3 | ... ^

  1. The goal is to find the value of p at ystart-3, ystart-2, and ystart-1 so the the BCs are met.
  2. It seems like this is done by doing the Taylor expansion with order n (I choose n=3) around |x|, so that
p(y-|x|) = p(|x|) + \dfrac{p'(|x|)}{1!}(y-|x|) + \dfrac{p''(|x|)}{2!}(y-|x|)^{2} + \dfrac{p'''(|x|)}{3!}(y-|x|)^{3}

where we know that at |x| we have p' = 0 and p''' = 0, so the expression become

p(y-|x|) = p(|x|) + 0 + \dfrac{p''(|x|)}{2!}(y-|x|)^{2} + 0

I have seen in your, you call p(|x|), p'(|x|), and so on as $f_{i}$ (coefficients). This is what I understand right now. I still wonder how can we use this approach to obtain the value of the function (i.e. p in the guard cells). I want to make sure I understand your concept. To build a linear system of equations, does it mean I have to do the Taylor expansion around points ystart-3, ystart-2, and ystart-1?