bow-swift / bow-openapi

🌐 Functional HTTP client generator from an OpenAPI/Swagger specification.
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Bow client from Open API specificaiton #1

Closed miguelangel-dev closed 4 years ago

miguelangel-dev commented 4 years ago


Creating HTTP clients is one of the most repetitive tasks companies are facing when developing microservices. One of the more problematic issues is that every app could have a different library stack (different libraries versions, different JSON libraries, ...).

We think it'd be ideal to have a way of auto-derive clients from OpenAPI definitions with Bow compatibility.

How was it developed?

It is a command-line with a dependency to swagger-codegen -- it helps us in the generation to the API client using a template-driven engine (we have defined out templates in /Templates). It has been developed following a functional-programming paradigm and taking advantage of the monad comprehension launched in Bow 0.6.

It is the project structure: