bow-swift / nef

💊 steroids for Xcode Playgrounds
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["Bug"] nef compile Could not get playgrounds at path #161

Closed ferranpujolcamins closed 4 years ago

ferranpujolcamins commented 4 years ago


I run nef compile and I got an error on a playground that previously worked fine

nef compile --project

Expected outcome

The playground is built.

Observed outcome

I get the following error:

Getting playgrounds in MacOS ✗
☠️ compiling Xcode Playgrounds from '[...]' failed with error:
Compiler failure. Could not get playgrounds at '[...]'

nef modules, version, platform

macOS playground nef 0.6.1



Same issue with the markdown command

Maybe it's a permissions problem? Maybe something wrong with some path? Let me know how can I help debugging this.

miguelangel-dev commented 4 years ago

Ey @ferranpujolcamins!

Yep, it seems it is a problem related to permissions, if you are running it locally, could you fix them and relaunch?

sudo chmod -R 755
nef compile --project
ferranpujolcamins commented 4 years ago

The problem still persists. After a quick look with ls the permissions look fine. Any specific file to check?

miguelangel-dev commented 4 years ago

Let's review your project structure to check playgrounds are linked properly:

  1. Go to and you will find your SensorDocs.xcworkspace
  2. In this file should be linked the playgrounds, we go to review it. Open with any editor
  3. You should see your playgrounds listed in <FileRef> tags, the structure should be location ="group:*.playground"

is it correct?

ferranpujolcamins commented 4 years ago

My playground has no such workspace. After comparing with a freshly created nef playground I realized other files are missing. I think I messed up and just partially added the playground to git. I'll just create one from scratch.

Apologies for opening a bug prematurely.

Thank you for your time and help. It's really appreciated.

miguelangel-dev commented 4 years ago

Sure! No problem!

If you need help with your new nef project just tell us :)