bower / registry

The Bower registry
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[Validation] Disallow multiple package names from pointing to the same endpoint #99

Closed benschwarz closed 8 years ago

benschwarz commented 10 years ago

It is currently possible to register:

angular_JS :arrow_right: angularjs/bower-angular angulerjs :arrow_right: angularjs/bower-angular and

angularjs :arrow_right: angularjs/bower-angular

Instead, we should validate that only a single registration can be made per endpoint.

sheerun commented 9 years ago

Why aliases are bad? Maybe we just need to hide them from search.

desandro commented 9 years ago

Cons with aliases is that they are confusing. It's not clear if there's a different between one package name or another, even if they are pointing to the same repo. They might all dilute our stats.

I don't think we need to eliminate them, but having anguler pop up in results seems like a bad experience.

sheerun commented 9 years ago

Aliases are OK. We can't remove them because of backward compatibility :(

It's quite possible some packages already use misspelled names. The best we can do is:

davidjbradshaw commented 9 years ago

The web search dedupes the results, whilst still allowing for any alias to be looked up.

I could patch the cmd search to do the same thing if that is helpful.

sheerun commented 8 years ago

I thnk it's already done.