bowswung / voobly-scraper

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AOE2 DE Recod game parsing #2

Open ivanielin opened 4 years ago

ivanielin commented 4 years ago

I want to develop a AOE2 DE application with the following feature -INPUT CSV(for example) stream of game events and computes as output

  1. Comprehensive statistics on game patterns with strategy and tactics optimization -like a tool that will coach the player to optimize his tactics and strategies
  2. real time training adviser like ("idle villagers", "idle army", "claimed not gathered sheeps", resource unbalance"
  3. latest stage: train adaptive AI

But all starts with CSV event reading(recorded game) and later on real time streaming from live game. I saw your link and this is exactly what need. Can we get in contact regarding this? Ivan

vesper8 commented 4 years ago

@bowswung the csv data output from this scraper is awesome, but is there a reason why there hasn't been any updated data in the last 14 months? Is it because this voobly-scraper is unable to produce the same csv output ever since DE came out? provides all of the replays but it seems there isn't any parser/scraper that is capable of extracting data from the new DE format.. is that so?