bowtie-json-schema / bowtie

JSON Schema in every programming language
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JSON File with all the implementations details #1312

Open benjagm opened 2 weeks ago

benjagm commented 2 weeks ago

Could it be possible to have a JSON file containing the details of all the implementations?

We are building the new Tooling page for the JSON Schema website and we plan to add a depth integration with Bowtie. The idea is to shaw the shields of the implementations if they are in Bowtie.

Our problem is we don't know the bowtie name of each implementation and without it we can generate the shield urls. As of now the only shared value in both data sources is the repo url (source) so if you guys provide this new file we'll manage to build all the shield urls using the Bowtie name of each tool.

Thanks a lot!

Julian commented 2 weeks ago

Sounds great, I'll look into this and follow up with a URL.

adwait-godbole commented 1 week ago

@Julian how are we planning to provide this ? We already generate the known_implementations.json file during the hatch(ling) build process but as we discussed that time, we could possibly end up inputting much more information in that file rather than just the implementation names. Also by sheild urls we mean the badges right ? Like e.g. ? or something else ?

Julian commented 1 week ago

Essentially the same as that file yes, though for encapsulation reasons we should publish a second one specifically for this use (meaning to make sure we are free to make changes to our own file without risking breaking what is needed for this). So known_implementations.json remains a private API, and we'll publish a second file for as you say.

(And yep shields == badges)

adwait-godbole commented 1 week ago

We already have one published at, right ?

Julian commented 1 week ago

Yep seems like it (though again, private to us).

adwait-godbole commented 1 week ago

though again, private to us

so how to resolve that?

Julian commented 1 week ago

I'm not sure I understand the question! As I say, the goal of this issue is to publish a similar file, which we'll consider public, and whose target audience is the site, but it's meant to be very similar to what you linked (albeit with the keys being source URLs it sounds like).

adwait-godbole commented 1 week ago

What is an appropriate public url for such a file then ?

Julian commented 1 week ago

Haven't thought too hard there yet but possibly something like