box-project / box

📦🚀 Fast, zero config application bundler with PHARs.
MIT License
1.12k stars 101 forks source link

Files not found in phar #334

Closed Magicalex closed 5 years ago

Magicalex commented 5 years ago

Bug report

Question Answer
Box version Box version 3.3.1@d2a2a7f
PHP version 7.2.12-1+0\~20181112102304.11+stretch\~1.gbp55f215 (cli) (built: Nov 12 2018 10:23:04) ( NTS )
Platform with version Linux 4.9.0-8-amd64 # 1 SMP Debian 4.9.130-2 (2018-10-27) x86_64 GNU/Linux
Github Repo

Hi compilation is ok

Box version 3.3.1@d2a2a7f

 // Loading the configuration file "/tmp/test/rtorrent-cleaner/box.json".

🔨  Building the PHAR "/tmp/test/rtorrent-cleaner/rtorrent-cleaner.phar"

? Registering compactors
  + KevinGH\Box\Compactor\Json
  + KevinGH\Box\Compactor\Php
? Adding main file: /tmp/test/rtorrent-cleaner/bin/rtorrent-cleaner
? Adding requirements checker
? Adding binary files
    > No file found
? Auto-discover files? No
? Adding files
    > 636 file(s)
? Generating new stub
  - Using shebang line: #!/usr/bin/env php
  - Using banner:
    > Generated by Humbug Box.
    > @link
? Dumping the Composer autoloader
? Removing the Composer dump artefacts
? No compression
? Setting file permissions to 0755
* Done.

No recommendation found.
No warning found.

 // PHAR: 665 files (1.82MB)
 // You can inspect the generated PHAR with the "info" command.

 // Memory usage: 17.72MB (peak: 18.50MB), time: 63.11s

But when I want run my phar archive, I have this error

PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Class 'Symfony\Component\Console\Application' not found in phar:///tmp/test/rtorrent-cleaner/rtorrent-cleaner.phar/bin/rtorrent-cleaner:15
Stack trace:
#0 /tmp/test/rtorrent-cleaner/rtorrent-cleaner.phar(14): require()
#1 {main}
  thrown in phar:///tmp/test/rtorrent-cleaner/rtorrent-cleaner.phar/bin/rtorrent-cleaner on line 15

Any idea?

theofidry commented 5 years ago

I'll try to check that later, but by the look of it, either the console application is not included (that would be weird, but you can check it with box info -l rtorrent-cleaner.phar or the autoloader is not working as expected for some reasons

Magicalex commented 5 years ago
box info -l rtorrent-cleaner.phar` ``` API Version: 1.1.0 Archive Compression: None Signature: SHA-1 Signature Hash: 445A001527FA89134B10492E3856C8ED1F5A02A4 Metadata: None Contents: 665 files (1.82MB) .box/ .requirements.php [NONE] - 260.00B bin/ check-requirements.php [NONE] - 414.00B composer.json [NONE] - 591.00B composer.lock [NONE] - 52.84KB src/ Checker.php [NONE] - 4.81KB IO.php [NONE] - 3.91KB IsExtensionFulfilled.php [NONE] - 434.00B IsFulfilled.php [NONE] - 127.00B IsPhpVersionFulfilled.php [NONE] - 615.00B Printer.php [NONE] - 3.29KB Requirement.php [NONE] - 902.00B RequirementCollection.php [NONE] - 1.28KB Terminal.php [NONE] - 3.01KB vendor/ autoload.php [NONE] - 438.00B composer/ ClassLoader.php [NONE] - 13.14KB LICENSE [NONE] - 1.04KB autoload_classmap.php [NONE] - 2.17KB autoload_namespaces.php [NONE] - 149.00B autoload_psr4.php [NONE] - 328.00B autoload_real.php [NONE] - 1.42KB autoload_static.php [NONE] - 3.44KB installed.json [NONE] - 31.13KB semver/ src/ Comparator.php [NONE] - 1.22KB Constraint/ AbstractConstraint.php [NONE] - 934.00B Constraint.php [NONE] - 3.79KB ConstraintInterface.php [NONE] - 287.00B EmptyConstraint.php [NONE] - 695.00B MultiConstraint.php [NONE] - 1.77KB Semver.php [NONE] - 2.30KB VersionParser.php [NONE] - 14.85KB bin/ rtorrent-cleaner [NONE] - 523.00B src/ Command/ RemoveCommand.php [NONE] - 2.57KB ReportCommand.php [NONE] - 3.13KB moveCommand.php [NONE] - 2.64KB Utils/ ListingFile.php [NONE] - 2.81KB Str.php [NONE] - 750.00B vendor/ autoload.php [NONE] - 178.00B composer/ ClassLoader.php [NONE] - 13.14KB LICENSE [NONE] - 1.04KB autoload_classmap.php [NONE] - 581.00B autoload_namespaces.php [NONE] - 149.00B autoload_psr4.php [NONE] - 196.00B autoload_real.php [NONE] - 1.42KB autoload_static.php [NONE] - 1.44KB container-interop/ container-interop/ src/ Interop/ Container/ ContainerInterface.php [NONE] - 170.00B Exception/ ContainerException.php [NONE] - 189.00B NotFoundException.php [NONE] - 205.00B psr/ container/ src/ ContainerExceptionInterface.php [NONE] - 81.00B ContainerInterface.php [NONE] - 146.00B NotFoundExceptionInterface.php [NONE] - 116.00B symfony/ console/ Application.php [NONE] - 24.57KB Command/ Command.php [NONE] - 7.95KB HelpCommand.php [NONE] - 1.66KB ListCommand.php [NONE] - 1.79KB LockableTrait.php [NONE] - 1,005.00B CommandLoader/ CommandLoaderInterface.php [NONE] - 318.00B ContainerCommandLoader.php [NONE] - 831.00B FactoryCommandLoader.php [NONE] - 673.00B ConsoleEvents.php [NONE] - 415.00B DependencyInjection/ AddConsoleCommandPass.php [NONE] - 2.60KB Descriptor/ ApplicationDescription.php [NONE] - 2.34KB Descriptor.php [NONE] - 1.89KB DescriptorInterface.php [NONE] - 252.00B JsonDescriptor.php [NONE] - 3.72KB MarkdownDescriptor.php [NONE] - 4.43KB TextDescriptor.php [NONE] - 8.79KB XmlDescriptor.php [NONE] - 7.09KB Event/ ConsoleCommandEvent.php [NONE] - 432.00B ConsoleErrorEvent.php [NONE] - 1.02KB ConsoleEvent.php [NONE] - 716.00B ConsoleTerminateEvent.php [NONE] - 633.00B EventListener/ ErrorListener.php [NONE] - 2.07KB Exception/ CommandNotFoundException.php [NONE] - 479.00B ExceptionInterface.php [NONE] - 121.00B InvalidArgumentException.php [NONE] - 166.00B InvalidOptionException.php [NONE] - 166.00B LogicException.php [NONE] - 146.00B NamespaceNotFoundException.php [NONE] - 139.00B RuntimeException.php [NONE] - 150.00B Formatter/ OutputFormatter.php [NONE] - 4.72KB OutputFormatterInterface.php [NONE] - 396.00B OutputFormatterStyle.php [NONE] - 4.08KB OutputFormatterStyleInterface.php [NONE] - 388.00B OutputFormatterStyleStack.php [NONE] - 1.38KB WrappableOutputFormatterInterface.php [NONE] - 213.00B Helper/ DebugFormatterHelper.php [NONE] - 2.12KB DescriptorHelper.php [NONE] - 1.37KB FormatterHelper.php [NONE] - 1.46KB Helper.php [NONE] - 2.15KB HelperInterface.php [NONE] - 229.00B HelperSet.php [NONE] - 1.11KB InputAwareHelper.php [NONE] - 355.00B ProcessHelper.php [NONE] - 3.02KB ProgressBar.php [NONE] - 9.81KB ProgressIndicator.php [NONE] - 4.89KB QuestionHelper.php [NONE] - 7.40KB SymfonyQuestionHelper.php [NONE] - 2.09KB Table.php [NONE] - 16.03KB TableCell.php [NONE] - 822.00B TableRows.php [NONE] - 291.00B TableSeparator.php [NONE] - 202.00B TableStyle.php [NONE] - 6.44KB Input/ ArgvInput.php [NONE] - 5.60KB ArrayInput.php [NONE] - 2.98KB Input.php [NONE] - 3.09KB InputArgument.php [NONE] - 1.52KB InputAwareInterface.php [NONE] - 152.00B InputDefinition.php [NONE] - 5.46KB InputInterface.php [NONE] - 975.00B InputOption.php [NONE] - 3.02KB StreamableInputInterface.php [NONE] - 206.00B StringInput.php [NONE] - 1.36KB Logger/ ConsoleLogger.php [NONE] - 2.77KB Output/ BufferedOutput.php [NONE] - 351.00B ConsoleOutput.php [NONE] - 2.14KB ConsoleOutputInterface.php [NONE] - 226.00B ConsoleSectionOutput.php [NONE] - 2.40KB NullOutput.php [NONE] - 975.00B Output.php [NONE] - 2.44KB OutputInterface.php [NONE] - 931.00B StreamOutput.php [NONE] - 1.66KB Question/ ChoiceQuestion.php [NONE] - 2.63KB ConfirmationQuestion.php [NONE] - 756.00B Question.php [NONE] - 2.48KB Style/ OutputStyle.php [NONE] - 1.83KB StyleInterface.php [NONE] - 975.00B SymfonyStyle.php [NONE] - 7.99KB Terminal.php [NONE] - 2.25KB Tester/ ApplicationTester.php [NONE] - 957.00B CommandTester.php [NONE] - 1.04KB TesterTrait.php [NONE] - 2.86KB contracts/ Cache/ CacheInterface.php [NONE] - 334.00B CacheTrait.php [NONE] - 1.36KB CallbackInterface.php [NONE] - 195.00B ItemInterface.php [NONE] - 415.00B TagAwareCacheInterface.php [NONE] - 217.00B Service/ ResetInterface.php [NONE] - 121.00B ServiceLocatorTrait.php [NONE] - 1.87KB ServiceSubscriberInterface.php [NONE] - 179.00B ServiceSubscriberTrait.php [NONE] - 1.01KB Translation/ TranslatorInterface.php [NONE] - 308.00B TranslatorTrait.php [NONE] - 5.13KB finder/ Comparator/ Comparator.php [NONE] - 909.00B DateComparator.php [NONE] - 810.00B NumberComparator.php [NONE] - 933.00B Exception/ AccessDeniedException.php [NONE] - 132.00B Finder.php [NONE] - 9.65KB Glob.php [NONE] - 1.71KB Iterator/ CustomFilterIterator.php [NONE] - 606.00B DateRangeFilterIterator.php [NONE] - 633.00B DepthRangeFilterIterator.php [NONE] - 503.00B ExcludeDirectoryFilterIterator.php [NONE] - 1.48KB FileTypeFilterIterator.php [NONE] - 607.00B FilecontentFilterIterator.php [NONE] - 577.00B FilenameFilterIterator.php [NONE] - 370.00B MultiplePcreFilterIterator.php [NONE] - 1.29KB PathFilterIterator.php [NONE] - 476.00B RecursiveDirectoryIterator.php [NONE] - 2.10KB SizeRangeFilterIterator.php [NONE] - 614.00B SortableIterator.php [NONE] - 2.25KB SplFileInfo.php [NONE] - 795.00B polyfill-mbstring/ Mbstring.php [NONE] - 16.78KB Resources/ unidata/ lowerCase.php [NONE] - 16.24KB titleCaseRegexp.php [NONE] - 5.97KB upperCase.php [NONE] - 16.35KB bootstrap.php [NONE] - 4.20KB zendframework/ zend-code/ src/ Annotation/ AnnotationCollection.php [NONE] - 294.00B AnnotationInterface.php [NONE] - 125.00B AnnotationManager.php [NONE] - 1.42KB Parser/ DoctrineAnnotationParser.php [NONE] - 2.11KB GenericAnnotationParser.php [NONE] - 3.31KB ParserInterface.php [NONE] - 298.00B Exception/ BadMethodCallException.php [NONE] - 141.00B ExceptionInterface.php [NONE] - 79.00B InvalidArgumentException.php [NONE] - 145.00B RuntimeException.php [NONE] - 129.00B Generator/ AbstractGenerator.php [NONE] - 1.52KB AbstractMemberGenerator.php [NONE] - 3.28KB BodyGenerator.php [NONE] - 338.00B ClassGenerator.php [NONE] - 17.16KB DocBlock/ Tag/ AbstractTypeableTag.php [NONE] - 956.00B AuthorTag.php [NONE] - 1.34KB GenericTag.php [NONE] - 922.00B LicenseTag.php [NONE] - 1.23KB MethodTag.php [NONE] - 1.13KB ParamTag.php [NONE] - 1.52KB PropertyTag.php [NONE] - 904.00B ReturnTag.php [NONE] - 846.00B TagInterface.php [NONE] - 166.00B ThrowsTag.php [NONE] - 383.00B VarTag.php [NONE] - 935.00B Tag.php [NONE] - 601.00B TagManager.php [NONE] - 1.58KB DocBlockGenerator.php [NONE] - 4.06KB Exception/ ExceptionInterface.php [NONE] - 165.00B InvalidArgumentException.php [NONE] - 190.00B RuntimeException.php [NONE] - 174.00B FileGenerator.php [NONE] - 9.02KB FileGeneratorRegistry.php [NONE] - 609.00B GeneratorInterface.php [NONE] - 107.00B InterfaceGenerator.php [NONE] - 2.50KB MethodGenerator.php [NONE] - 7.05KB ParameterGenerator.php [NONE] - 5.74KB PropertyGenerator.php [NONE] - 4.29KB PropertyValueGenerator.php [NONE] - 197.00B TraitGenerator.php [NONE] - 2.53KB TraitUsageGenerator.php [NONE] - 7.91KB TraitUsageInterface.php [NONE] - 747.00B TypeGenerator.php [NONE] - 2.32KB ValueGenerator.php [NONE] - 7.32KB Generic/ Prototype/ PrototypeClassFactory.php [NONE] - 1.76KB PrototypeGenericInterface.php [NONE] - 156.00B PrototypeInterface.php [NONE] - 117.00B NameInformation.php [NONE] - 2.27KB Reflection/ ClassReflection.php [NONE] - 4.00KB DocBlock/ Tag/ AuthorTag.php [NONE] - 790.00B GenericTag.php [NONE] - 1.04KB LicenseTag.php [NONE] - 754.00B MethodTag.php [NONE] - 1.18KB ParamTag.php [NONE] - 1.02KB PhpDocTypedTagInterface.php [NONE] - 131.00B PropertyTag.php [NONE] - 1.04KB ReturnTag.php [NONE] - 863.00B TagInterface.php [NONE] - 209.00B ThrowsTag.php [NONE] - 749.00B VarTag.php [NONE] - 949.00B TagManager.php [NONE] - 825.00B DocBlockReflection.php [NONE] - 3.84KB Exception/ BadMethodCallException.php [NONE] - 187.00B ExceptionInterface.php [NONE] - 166.00B InvalidArgumentException.php [NONE] - 191.00B RuntimeException.php [NONE] - 175.00B FileReflection.php [NONE] - 3.50KB FunctionReflection.php [NONE] - 5.36KB MethodReflection.php [NONE] - 8.02KB ParameterReflection.php [NONE] - 1.76KB PropertyReflection.php [NONE] - 1.52KB ReflectionInterface.php [NONE] - 146.00B Scanner/ AggregateDirectoryScanner.php [NONE] - 1.54KB AnnotationScanner.php [NONE] - 7.94KB CachingFileScanner.php [NONE] - 2.02KB ClassScanner.php [NONE] - 20.63KB ConstantScanner.php [NONE] - 2.97KB DerivedClassScanner.php [NONE] - 6.15KB DirectoryScanner.php [NONE] - 4.10KB DocBlockScanner.php [NONE] - 6.58KB FileScanner.php [NONE] - 683.00B FunctionScanner.php [NONE] - 73.00B MethodScanner.php [NONE] - 7.85KB ParameterScanner.php [NONE] - 3.34KB PropertyScanner.php [NONE] - 3.77KB ScannerInterface.php [NONE] - 77.00B TokenArrayScanner.php [NONE] - 10.36KB Util.php [NONE] - 1.34KB ValueScanner.php [NONE] - 68.00B zend-escaper/ src/ Escaper.php [NONE] - 5.01KB Exception/ ExceptionInterface.php [NONE] - 82.00B InvalidArgumentException.php [NONE] - 151.00B RuntimeException.php [NONE] - 135.00B zend-eventmanager/ src/ AbstractListenerAggregate.php [NONE] - 337.00B Event.php [NONE] - 1.70KB EventInterface.php [NONE] - 528.00B EventManager.php [NONE] - 4.65KB EventManagerAwareInterface.php [NONE] - 195.00B EventManagerAwareTrait.php [NONE] - 925.00B EventManagerInterface.php [NONE] - 918.00B EventsCapableInterface.php [NONE] - 126.00B Exception/ DomainException.php [NONE] - 135.00B ExceptionInterface.php [NONE] - 90.00B InvalidArgumentException.php [NONE] - 156.00B InvalidCallbackException.php [NONE] - 146.00B RuntimeException.php [NONE] - 185.00B Filter/ FilterInterface.php [NONE] - 396.00B FilterIterator.php [NONE] - 1.27KB FilterChain.php [NONE] - 843.00B LazyEventListener.php [NONE] - 893.00B LazyListener.php [NONE] - 1.45KB LazyListenerAggregate.php [NONE] - 1.10KB ListenerAggregateInterface.php [NONE] - 235.00B ListenerAggregateTrait.php [NONE] - 288.00B ResponseCollection.php [NONE] - 557.00B SharedEventManager.php [NONE] - 4.38KB SharedEventManagerInterface.php [NONE] - 420.00B SharedEventsCapableInterface.php [NONE] - 132.00B Test/ EventListenerIntrospectionTrait.php [NONE] - 1.88KB zend-http/ src/ AbstractMessage.php [NONE] - 1,023.00B Client/ Adapter/ AdapterInterface.php [NONE] - 357.00B Curl.php [NONE] - 9.95KB Exception/ ExceptionInterface.php [NONE] - 195.00B InitializationException.php [NONE] - 118.00B InvalidArgumentException.php [NONE] - 200.00B OutOfRangeException.php [NONE] - 190.00B RuntimeException.php [NONE] - 184.00B TimeoutException.php [NONE] - 168.00B Proxy.php [NONE] - 4.78KB Socket.php [NONE] - 11.86KB StreamInterface.php [NONE] - 134.00B Test.php [NONE] - 2.24KB Exception/ ExceptionInterface.php [NONE] - 168.00B InvalidArgumentException.php [NONE] - 185.00B OutOfRangeException.php [NONE] - 175.00B RuntimeException.php [NONE] - 169.00B Client.php [NONE] - 22.11KB ClientStatic.php [NONE] - 1.53KB Cookies.php [NONE] - 4.89KB Exception/ ExceptionInterface.php [NONE] - 77.00B InvalidArgumentException.php [NONE] - 143.00B OutOfRangeException.php [NONE] - 133.00B RuntimeException.php [NONE] - 127.00B Header/ AbstractAccept.php [NONE] - 6.58KB AbstractDate.php [NONE] - 3.17KB AbstractLocation.php [NONE] - 1.80KB Accept/ FieldValuePart/ AbstractFieldValuePart.php [NONE] - 975.00B AcceptFieldValuePart.php [NONE] - 376.00B CharsetFieldValuePart.php [NONE] - 208.00B EncodingFieldValuePart.php [NONE] - 210.00B LanguageFieldValuePart.php [NONE] - 368.00B Accept.php [NONE] - 1.58KB AcceptCharset.php [NONE] - 722.00B AcceptEncoding.php [NONE] - 728.00B AcceptLanguage.php [NONE] - 1.43KB AcceptRanges.php [NONE] - 936.00B Age.php [NONE] - 1.08KB Allow.php [NONE] - 2.22KB AuthenticationInfo.php [NONE] - 805.00B Authorization.php [NONE] - 776.00B CacheControl.php [NONE] - 2.88KB Connection.php [NONE] - 1.13KB ContentDisposition.php [NONE] - 805.00B ContentEncoding.php [NONE] - 785.00B ContentLanguage.php [NONE] - 790.00B ContentLength.php [NONE] - 789.00B ContentLocation.php [NONE] - 164.00B ContentMD5.php [NONE] - 758.00B ContentRange.php [NONE] - 775.00B ContentSecurityPolicy.php [NONE] - 1.98KB ContentTransferEncoding.php [NONE] - 846.00B ContentType.php [NONE] - 5.06KB Cookie.php [NONE] - 2.31KB Date.php [NONE] - 137.00B Etag.php [NONE] - 724.00B Exception/ DomainException.php [NONE] - 132.00B ExceptionInterface.php [NONE] - 168.00B InvalidArgumentException.php [NONE] - 185.00B RuntimeException.php [NONE] - 169.00B Expect.php [NONE] - 734.00B Expires.php [NONE] - 277.00B From.php [NONE] - 724.00B GenericHeader.php [NONE] - 1.80KB GenericMultiHeader.php [NONE] - 928.00B HeaderInterface.php [NONE] - 243.00B HeaderValue.php [NONE] - 875.00B Host.php [NONE] - 724.00B IfMatch.php [NONE] - 743.00B IfModifiedSince.php [NONE] - 161.00B IfNoneMatch.php [NONE] - 774.00B IfRange.php [NONE] - 743.00B IfUnmodifiedSince.php [NONE] - 165.00B KeepAlive.php [NONE] - 753.00B LastModified.php [NONE] - 154.00B Location.php [NONE] - 149.00B MaxForwards.php [NONE] - 770.00B MultipleHeaderInterface.php [NONE] - 160.00B Origin.php [NONE] - 898.00B Pragma.php [NONE] - 734.00B ProxyAuthenticate.php [NONE] - 1.18KB ProxyAuthorization.php [NONE] - 805.00B Range.php [NONE] - 729.00B Referer.php [NONE] - 287.00B Refresh.php [NONE] - 739.00B RetryAfter.php [NONE] - 1.02KB Server.php [NONE] - 734.00B SetCookie.php [NONE] - 8.07KB TE.php [NONE] - 714.00B Trailer.php [NONE] - 739.00B TransferEncoding.php [NONE] - 790.00B Upgrade.php [NONE] - 739.00B UserAgent.php [NONE] - 788.00B Vary.php [NONE] - 724.00B Via.php [NONE] - 719.00B WWWAuthenticate.php [NONE] - 1.16KB Warning.php [NONE] - 739.00B HeaderLoader.php [NONE] - 2.39KB Headers.php [NONE] - 7.30KB PhpEnvironment/ RemoteAddress.php [NONE] - 1.53KB Request.php [NONE] - 8.43KB Response.php [NONE] - 1.25KB Request.php [NONE] - 6.85KB Response/ Stream.php [NONE] - 3.33KB Response.php [NONE] - 9.73KB zend-loader/ src/ AutoloaderFactory.php [NONE] - 3.12KB ClassMapAutoloader.php [NONE] - 2.79KB Exception/ BadMethodCallException.php [NONE] - 192.00B DomainException.php [NONE] - 178.00B ExceptionInterface.php [NONE] - 79.00B InvalidArgumentException.php [NONE] - 196.00B InvalidPathException.php [NONE] - 177.00B MissingResourceNamespaceException.php [NONE] - 190.00B PluginLoaderException.php [NONE] - 153.00B RuntimeException.php [NONE] - 180.00B SecurityException.php [NONE] - 146.00B ModuleAutoloader.php [NONE] - 6.65KB PluginClassLoader.php [NONE] - 2.25KB PluginClassLocator.php [NONE] - 319.00B ShortNameLocator.php [NONE] - 189.00B SplAutoloader.php [NONE] - 333.00B StandardAutoloader.php [NONE] - 5.03KB zend-math/ src/ BigInteger/ Adapter/ AdapterInterface.php [NONE] - 959.00B Bcmath.php [NONE] - 4.33KB Gmp.php [NONE] - 3.95KB BigInteger.php [NONE] - 1.34KB Exception/ DivisionByZeroException.php [NONE] - 149.00B ExceptionInterface.php [NONE] - 156.00B InvalidArgumentException.php [NONE] - 194.00B RuntimeException.php [NONE] - 178.00B Exception/ DomainException.php [NONE] - 130.00B ExceptionInterface.php [NONE] - 79.00B InvalidArgumentException.php [NONE] - 148.00B RuntimeException.php [NONE] - 132.00B Rand.php [NONE] - 3.14KB Source/ HashTiming.php [NONE] - 1.31KB zend-server/ src/ AbstractServer.php [NONE] - 2.92KB Cache.php [NONE] - 1.94KB Client.php [NONE] - 114.00B Definition.php [NONE] - 2.38KB Exception/ BadMethodCallException.php [NONE] - 141.00B ExceptionInterface.php [NONE] - 82.00B InvalidArgumentException.php [NONE] - 145.00B RuntimeException.php [NONE] - 129.00B Method/ Callback.php [NONE] - 1.67KB Definition.php [NONE] - 2.78KB Parameter.php [NONE] - 1.53KB Prototype.php [NONE] - 1.96KB Reflection/ AbstractFunction.php [NONE] - 5.95KB Exception/ BadMethodCallException.php [NONE] - 189.00B ExceptionInterface.php [NONE] - 171.00B InvalidArgumentException.php [NONE] - 193.00B RuntimeException.php [NONE] - 177.00B Node.php [NONE] - 1.51KB Prototype.php [NONE] - 600.00B ReflectionClass.php [NONE] - 1.57KB ReflectionFunction.php [NONE] - 104.00B ReflectionMethod.php [NONE] - 2.94KB ReflectionParameter.php [NONE] - 1.27KB ReflectionReturnValue.php [NONE] - 814.00B Reflection.php [NONE] - 1.24KB Server.php [NONE] - 607.00B zend-stdlib/ src/ AbstractOptions.php [NONE] - 2.26KB ArrayObject.php [NONE] - 4.53KB ArraySerializableInterface.php [NONE] - 168.00B ArrayStack.php [NONE] - 263.00B ArrayUtils/ MergeRemoveKey.php [NONE] - 80.00B MergeReplaceKey.php [NONE] - 255.00B MergeReplaceKeyInterface.php [NONE] - 121.00B ArrayUtils.php [NONE] - 3.34KB ConsoleHelper.php [NONE] - 1.89KB DispatchableInterface.php [NONE] - 170.00B ErrorHandler.php [NONE] - 1.08KB Exception/ BadMethodCallException.php [NONE] - 146.00B DomainException.php [NONE] - 132.00B ExceptionInterface.php [NONE] - 84.00B ExtensionNotLoadedException.php [NONE] - 114.00B InvalidArgumentException.php [NONE] - 150.00B LogicException.php [NONE] - 130.00B RuntimeException.php [NONE] - 134.00B FastPriorityQueue.php [NONE] - 4.39KB Glob.php [NONE] - 3.01KB Guard/ AllGuardsTrait.php [NONE] - 147.00B ArrayOrTraversableGuardTrait.php [NONE] - 500.00B EmptyGuardTrait.php [NONE] - 335.00B NullGuardTrait.php [NONE] - 334.00B InitializableInterface.php [NONE] - 107.00B JsonSerializable.php [NONE] - 98.00B Message.php [NONE] - 1.32KB MessageInterface.php [NONE] - 256.00B ParameterObjectInterface.php [NONE] - 225.00B Parameters.php [NONE] - 998.00B ParametersInterface.php [NONE] - 524.00B PriorityList.php [NONE] - 2.58KB PriorityQueue.php [NONE] - 2.70KB Request.php [NONE] - 101.00B RequestInterface.php [NONE] - 94.00B Response.php [NONE] - 103.00B ResponseInterface.php [NONE] - 95.00B SplPriorityQueue.php [NONE] - 831.00B SplQueue.php [NONE] - 413.00B SplStack.php [NONE] - 416.00B StringUtils.php [NONE] - 2.67KB StringWrapper/ AbstractStringWrapper.php [NONE] - 5.06KB Iconv.php [NONE] - 2.72KB Intl.php [NONE] - 814.00B MbString.php [NONE] - 1.50KB Native.php [NONE] - 1.69KB StringWrapperInterface.php [NONE] - 786.00B zend-uri/ src/ Exception/ ExceptionInterface.php [NONE] - 79.00B InvalidArgumentException.php [NONE] - 142.00B InvalidUriException.php [NONE] - 139.00B InvalidUriPartException.php [NONE] - 385.00B File.php [NONE] - 762.00B Http.php [NONE] - 1.88KB Mailto.php [NONE] - 939.00B Uri.php [NONE] - 16.26KB UriFactory.php [NONE] - 1.64KB UriInterface.php [NONE] - 1.01KB zend-validator/ bin/ update_hostname_validator.php [NONE] - 3.66KB src/ AbstractValidator.php [NONE] - 7.99KB Barcode/ AbstractAdapter.php [NONE] - 3.50KB AdapterInterface.php [NONE] - 388.00B Codabar.php [NONE] - 889.00B Code128.php [NONE] - 8.54KB Code25.php [NONE] - 242.00B Code25interleaved.php [NONE] - 259.00B Code39.php [NONE] - 1.03KB Code39ext.php [NONE] - 206.00B Code93.php [NONE] - 1.41KB Code93ext.php [NONE] - 206.00B Ean12.php [NONE] - 212.00B Ean13.php [NONE] - 212.00B Ean14.php [NONE] - 212.00B Ean18.php [NONE] - 212.00B Ean2.php [NONE] - 209.00B Ean5.php [NONE] - 211.00B Ean8.php [NONE] - 396.00B Gtin12.php [NONE] - 213.00B Gtin13.php [NONE] - 213.00B Gtin14.php [NONE] - 213.00B Identcode.php [NONE] - 333.00B Intelligentmail.php [NONE] - 237.00B Issn.php [NONE] - 1,020.00B Itf14.php [NONE] - 212.00B Leitcode.php [NONE] - 220.00B Planet.php [NONE] - 222.00B Postnet.php [NONE] - 229.00B Royalmail.php [NONE] - 1.77KB Sscc.php [NONE] - 211.00B Upca.php [NONE] - 211.00B Upce.php [NONE] - 399.00B Barcode.php [NONE] - 2.94KB Between.php [NONE] - 2.97KB Bitwise.php [NONE] - 1.97KB Callback.php [NONE] - 1.77KB ConfigProvider.php [NONE] - 382.00B CreditCard.php [NONE] - 6.05KB Csrf.php [NONE] - 3.90KB Date.php [NONE] - 2.39KB DateStep.php [NONE] - 7.96KB Db/ AbstractDb.php [NONE] - 3.94KB NoRecordExists.php [NONE] - 426.00B RecordExists.php [NONE] - 429.00B Digits.php [NONE] - 981.00B EmailAddress.php [NONE] - 8.98KB Exception/ BadMethodCallException.php [NONE] - 146.00B ExceptionInterface.php [NONE] - 84.00B ExtensionNotLoadedException.php [NONE] - 114.00B InvalidArgumentException.php [NONE] - 150.00B InvalidMagicMimeFileException.php [NONE] - 124.00B RuntimeException.php [NONE] - 134.00B Explode.php [NONE] - 2.63KB File/ Count.php [NONE] - 3.30KB Crc32.php [NONE] - 1.65KB ExcludeExtension.php [NONE] - 1.37KB ExcludeMimeType.php [NONE] - 2.13KB Exists.php [NONE] - 2.78KB Extension.php [NONE] - 2.96KB FilesSize.php [NONE] - 2.98KB Hash.php [NONE] - 2.59KB ImageSize.php [NONE] - 5.85KB IsCompressed.php [NONE] - 1.55KB IsImage.php [NONE] - 1.84KB Md5.php [NONE] - 1.63KB MimeType.php [NONE] - 6.61KB NotExists.php [NONE] - 1.26KB Sha1.php [NONE] - 1.64KB Size.php [NONE] - 5.08KB Upload.php [NONE] - 4.05KB UploadFile.php [NONE] - 2.42KB WordCount.php [NONE] - 3.07KB GpsPoint.php [NONE] - 1.90KB GreaterThan.php [NONE] - 1.69KB Hex.php [NONE] - 559.00B Hostname/ Biz.php [NONE] - 216.97KB Cn.php [NONE] - 163.19KB Com.php [NONE] - 12.00KB Jp.php [NONE] - 53.30KB Hostname.php [NONE] - 33.75KB Iban.php [NONE] - 6.22KB Identical.php [NONE] - 2.52KB InArray.php [NONE] - 2.63KB Ip.php [NONE] - 3.08KB IsCountable.php [NONE] - 2.57KB IsInstanceOf.php [NONE] - 1.10KB Isbn/ Isbn10.php [NONE] - 460.00B Isbn13.php [NONE] - 467.00B Isbn.php [NONE] - 2.53KB LessThan.php [NONE] - 1.66KB Module.php [NONE] - 513.00B NotEmpty.php [NONE] - 4.48KB Regex.php [NONE] - 1.98KB Sitemap/ Changefreq.php [NONE] - 802.00B Lastmod.php [NONE] - 912.00B Loc.php [NONE] - 660.00B Priority.php [NONE] - 678.00B StaticValidator.php [NONE] - 1.02KB Step.php [NONE] - 1.75KB StringLength.php [NONE] - 3.04KB Timezone.php [NONE] - 2.59KB Translator/ TranslatorAwareInterface.php [NONE] - 499.00B TranslatorInterface.php [NONE] - 170.00B Uri.php [NONE] - 2.76KB Uuid.php [NONE] - 730.00B ValidatorChain.php [NONE] - 3.68KB ValidatorInterface.php [NONE] - 160.00B ValidatorPluginManager.php [NONE] - 15.84KB ValidatorPluginManagerAwareInterface.php [NONE] - 230.00B ValidatorPluginManagerFactory.php [NONE] - 1.14KB ValidatorProviderInterface.php [NONE] - 134.00B zend-xmlrpc/ src/ AbstractValue.php [NONE] - 7.23KB Client/ Exception/ ExceptionInterface.php [NONE] - 169.00B FaultException.php [NONE] - 182.00B HttpException.php [NONE] - 108.00B IntrospectException.php [NONE] - 121.00B InvalidArgumentException.php [NONE] - 191.00B RuntimeException.php [NONE] - 175.00B ServerIntrospection.php [NONE] - 1.99KB ServerProxy.php [NONE] - 719.00B Client.php [NONE] - 4.53KB Exception/ BadMethodCallException.php [NONE] - 143.00B ExceptionInterface.php [NONE] - 81.00B InvalidArgumentException.php [NONE] - 147.00B RuntimeException.php [NONE] - 131.00B ValueException.php [NONE] - 127.00B Fault.php [NONE] - 4.15KB Generator/ AbstractGenerator.php [NONE] - 1.16KB DomDocument.php [NONE] - 815.00B GeneratorInterface.php [NONE] - 372.00B XmlWriter.php [NONE] - 634.00B Request/ Http.php [NONE] - 1.02KB Stdin.php [NONE] - 480.00B Request.php [NONE] - 5.77KB Response/ Http.php [NONE] - 306.00B Response.php [NONE] - 2.44KB Server/ Cache.php [NONE] - 220.00B Exception/ BadMethodCallException.php [NONE] - 187.00B ExceptionInterface.php [NONE] - 169.00B InvalidArgumentException.php [NONE] - 191.00B RuntimeException.php [NONE] - 175.00B Fault.php [NONE] - 1.79KB System.php [NONE] - 2.09KB Server.php [NONE] - 7.31KB Value/ AbstractCollection.php [NONE] - 544.00B AbstractScalar.php [NONE] - 336.00B ArrayValue.php [NONE] - 534.00B Base64.php [NONE] - 383.00B BigInteger.php [NONE] - 334.00B Boolean.php [NONE] - 276.00B DateTime.php [NONE] - 767.00B Double.php [NONE] - 385.00B Integer.php [NONE] - 382.00B Nil.php [NONE] - 222.00B Struct.php [NONE] - 621.00B Text.php [NONE] - 269.00B zendxml/ src/ Exception/ ExceptionInterface.php [NONE] - 75.00B InvalidArgumentException.php [NONE] - 144.00B RuntimeException.php [NONE] - 128.00B Security.php [NONE] - 5.21KB ```
theofidry commented 5 years ago

I found the issue, it seems that dumping the autoloader doesn't fail but is not done correctly when the vendor/composer/installed.json file is not present (which is the case here since you did not include it in your finder).

So two easy solutions:

In any case I think Box could attempt to detect that case and issue a warning to make it easier to stop that error. It's not the first time I've seen it either

Magicalex commented 5 years ago

Thanks a lot, it's work on my side.