Closed greenlitdesign closed 10 years ago
As far as I can tell that key has always existed in the install.sql file we have (see: Is there another index you added besides just "ts_min"?
This is correct, the index is in the install.sql file and should be created by default. It's possible you installed this quite a while ago? If so thanks for being an early adopter! =)
The index on history table is not appropriate as your query on the main page is doing a date range search. Currently, Mysql does a full scan (index scan) because it has to get all ts_min
I added an index on history table and reponse is immediate. Create index idx_ts on global_query_review_history(ts_min)
SELECT checksum AS
, LEFT(dimension.sample,20) ASsnippet
, ROUND(SUM(Rows_examined_sum)/SUM(rows_sent_sum),2) ASindex_ratio
, SUM(Query_time_sum) / SUM(ts_cnt) ASquery_time_avg
, ROUND(SUM(Rows_sent_sum)/SUM(ts_cnt),0) ASrows_sent_avg
, SUM(ts_cnt) ASts_cnt
, SUM(Query_time_sum) ASQuery_time_sum
, SUM(Lock_time_sum) ASLock_time_sum
, SUM(Rows_sent_sum) ASRows_sent_sum
, SUM(Rows_examined_sum) ASRows_examined_sum
, SUM(Tmp_table_sum) ASTmp_table_sum
, SUM(Filesort_sum) ASFilesort_sum
, SUM(Full_scan_sum) ASFull_scan_sum
USING (checksum
) WHERE dimension.ts_min >= "2013-01-17 13:43:08" AND dimension.ts_min <= "2013-01-18 13:43:08" GROUP BY checksum