box / box-ios-sdk

iOS SDK for the Box Content API
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how to get streaming video URL from Box via ios BoxSDK 5.6.0 #929

Closed PJStation closed 3 months ago

PJStation commented 3 months ago

how to get streaming video URL from Box via ios BoxSDK 5.6.0

mwwoda commented 3 months ago

Hi @PJStation If you want to get URL and e.g. embed it on your page you can use getEmbedLink function. Alternatively, you could look into shared links if they fit your use case.

PJStation commented 3 months ago

Hi @PJStation If you want to get URL and e.g. embed it on your page you can use getEmbedLink function. Alternatively, you could look into shared links if they fit your use case.

getEmbedLink Link cannot be played shared links rerturn failure

mwwoda commented 3 months ago

Could you provide more details about what you are trying to achieve? Perhaps you could also provide an sample code (example project) so we can see what's the issue.

PJStation commented 3 months ago

Could you provide more details about what you are trying to achieve? Perhaps you could also provide an sample code (example project) so we can see what's the issue.

//get a mp4 file
client.files.getEmbedLink(forFile: { result in
    switch result {
    case let .success(expiringEmbedLink):
        var options = [String : Any]()
        options["AVURLAssetHTTPHeaderFieldsKey"] = ["Authorization": "Bearer \(expiringEmbedLink.token!.accessToken!)"]
        let asset = AVURLAsset(url: expiringEmbedLink.url!,options: options)

        if asset.isPlayable {
        } else {
            print("not playable")

    case let .failure(error):


isPlayable always false

congminh1254 commented 3 months ago

Hi @PJStation

Can you try with this url scheme: and attach with your access token in the header.


Let me know if it's working.

Best, Minh

PJStation commented 3 months ago Thanks,it's working!