boxart / boxart-boiler

A boilerplate for Responsive DOM based Open Web Games.
MIT License
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Deploy demo games #59

Open labond opened 8 years ago

kadamwhite commented 8 years ago

This comment summarizes offline discussion around moving away from branch-based demos. The existing use of branches for demo games was intended to compromise between two constraints:

  1. If the demos are not kept sufficiently close to the boilerplate code it becomes difficult to maintain them; and
  2. We want to avoid a situation like that of Three.js where the master archive download is >150mb because everything is in master

Branches suffer from a significant discoverability challenge, and keeping demos up to date with a boilerplate can only be simplified so much, so branches are an imperfect solution to (1) above on multiple counts. Linking to the branches from the readme does not sufficiently solve the discoverability challenge, as readmes themselves may not be skimmed or read in depth.

The planned approach is for each demo to be its own repository, possibly created with an upstream reference to boxart-boiler so that there is a more direct path towards keeping the demo up to date with the boilerplate master.

Documentation & live documentation examples will continue to live in the boxart-boiler repo, as will the animation preview tool (#101) and any other general-use utilities. Game-specific assets will be included in the demo repositories so that boxart-boiler is not weighed down with those assets.

kadamwhite commented 8 years ago will likely depend on each of these repositories, and the repo build process will

  1. generate the documentation site
  2. render each demo game into folders within the documentation site
  3. package each demo game for download
  4. create an archive page of those downloads on the demo site
  5. push the demo site live on master