boxart / boxart-boiler

A boilerplate for Responsive DOM based Open Web Games.
MIT License
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boxart repo / batch #63

Closed mzgoddard closed 8 years ago

mzgoddard commented 8 years ago

Bring Batch over from boilerplate.

Batch is like a map over an array, but only gives the member data to the handler instead of member data, index, and the whole array. Batch assumes that a member's visualization changes when the member changes. Its position in the array and the array itself do not affect how it renders.

kadamwhite commented 8 years ago

Initial TODO: Open a PR on boxart/boxart with the code from the Batch components within Boxart-Boiler. @mzgoddard will review and we will pair to take that PR from initial migration to polished feature we can use on its own.