boxart / boxart-boiler

A boilerplate for Responsive DOM based Open Web Games.
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Animation Tools 2 - Names and TRS #87

Open mzgoddard opened 8 years ago

mzgoddard commented 8 years ago

Following #72 Animation Tools will be built in multiple steps. They are a set of tools instead of one giant tool to help produce results instead of managing a growing architecture.

This second Animation Tools task covers adding a detail to the Preview component and adding a second tool.

Add a tooltip to any hovered wire in the Preview component in the first tool. The name should be the lowest wire in the hierarchy. Highlighting the hovered wire would be a nice touch.

The second tool lets you display an armature and select a wire in the armature and modify the transform with a simple translate/rotate/scale tool and see the value. This can help build transform animations instead of having to manually iterate on a TRS transform in an editor until you find what you want.

This second tool makes use of the nav components in the first tool.