boxblinkracer / phpunuhi

PHPUnuhi - The easy composable framework to validate and manage translations
MIT License
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Make translations node optional if imports are used #52

Closed momocode-de closed 1 month ago

momocode-de commented 1 month ago

I would like to configure all my translation sets in sub-files and then import them into a main file. However, no extra set should be configured in the main file. This is currently not possible as the “translations” node is required.

boxblinkracer commented 1 month ago


oh, that seems to be a bug it should be possible to of course only use import files

ill check it out thanks for this

boxblinkracer commented 1 month ago


thank you again it has been fixed and is ready in dev-master will be part of the next release

boxblinkracer commented 1 month ago

has been released in 1.21.0