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Problem installing xampp using boxen #822

Closed happicamper closed 7 years ago

happicamper commented 7 years ago

Tried installing xampp using manifest

package { 'xampp':  
    ensure   => 'present',  
    provider => 'appdmg',  
    source   => '',  
    install_options => [  

results to image unrecognized, tried replacing appdmg into pkgdmg it executes Boxen smoothly but the application won't be installed at the end. Also tried simple brew cask:

package { 'xampp':
    ensure => 'present',
    provider => 'brewcask',

and results to no tty present and no askpass

jacobbednarz commented 7 years ago

Have you tried using brewcask to install this? There is a supported formulae already for this.

happicamper commented 7 years ago

Hello @jacobbednarz, nice to hear from you again. Yeah, I've tried installing xampp via brew cask (manually) and installed successfully, but when I'm gonna try Boxen for it, it fails and throw no tty present and no askpass error.

jacobbednarz commented 7 years ago

Terribly sorry on the delay - I'm slowly getting through these repositories and their existing issues.

Have you only tried using a puppet manifest? Do you get the same thing when you use hiera (a.k.a boxen::personal::osx_apps)?

happicamper commented 7 years ago

No problem @jacobbednarz, you have your priorities. 😄 Yes, I've tried using hiera but no luck, still producing ==> sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified error.

jacobbednarz commented 7 years ago

This sounds like a broken formulae ( Perhaps have a try at correcting it in the upstream formulae repository?

jacobbednarz commented 7 years ago

I'm not expert but I think is your issue due to it trying to sudo on the command.

My recommendation would be to fork the repository and have a crack at resolving it locally using the homebrew guidelines and go from there. I suspect there is some sort of incompatibility between the two but I don't know enough about the homebrew ecosystem to say for sure.

happicamper commented 7 years ago

@jacobbednarz I'm gonna try your recommendation matey! Thank you for your time. 👍