boxer-project / boxer-sunrise

Sunrise on the Boxer Reconstruction Project
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Improve dev setup on Windows #77

Closed cben closed 6 days ago

cben commented 2 weeks ago

This takes small steps towards dev instructions working out-of-the-box on Windows 11, but ultimately, I didn't get Boxer to launch. At least not with LispWorks Personal Edition.

P.S. sbcl progress is exciting! 🎉👏 I'll probably stop banging my head against LispWorks as I don't want to shell out for a less limited version.

sgithens commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks @cben ! I just want to let you know I see and appreciate this work, but it will be a few days until I comment more, and it will be good to true up your notes against the windows 10 VM I've been working in.

sgithens commented 1 week ago

I'm spinning up a win11 VM to go with my windows 10 VM, but having read through everything up above, I think I can see through all the issues except the Lispworks PE heap limit... I don't think there is much I can do about that. I had the same issue when I tried to do it on Linux (and got a free 14 day edition, during which I got it working), but with all the libraries and then the boxer source itself, it just happens to top out.

I am almost VERY excited about SBCL, and then ECL, because I'm very keen on it running in WebGL. The SBCL stuff may actually go faster than I think, I made quite a progress just in the few days of hacking on it. Of course it won't have a toolbar or anything at first, but those wrappers will come.

I looked at your changes so far on this, and they seem fine, I just need a few more days to try them out on my VM's, as well as get back on your other points above.

sgithens commented 6 days ago

@cben I committed your changes after testing them with just one change. Commented out the quicklisp load since usually that would be a part of a lisp installs init file. ( I know this is availalbe with lispworks personal... ). Also, I load my quicklisp from a different drive and place on my windows vm, so the personal home dir drive letter didn't work. But anyways, it's there, just uncomment it if quicklisp isn't in your lisps init file. Thanks!

To the other items, yeah, you should be albe to just run quickload:boxer to load all the dependencies... I'm working on trying is out on a machine with the quicklisp repo deleted... need to finagle the startup abit.

Also, thanks for the shorthand for the modified local branches needed.. I just realized there may be another one (or two) that I need to add. Looking at that as well. It seems to be starting up again (and the space key works!) so I will likely roll a windows build as well later this week, early next to match the bug fix build I'm about to make for macOS.