boy1dr / SpleeterGui

Windows desktop front end for Spleeter - AI source separation
Apache License 2.0
2.22k stars 244 forks source link

Do you need to install Python too? #174

Open hockinsk opened 1 year ago

hockinsk commented 1 year ago

Struggling to get this GUI version working. It runs, says it's processed the file.wav but there's no output files. There's some debug text, but not sure if that should be there or not because I've never seen if it is there when working. Do I need to install Python or set the PATH? Windows 10 and just installed using the installer and set an output folder.

boy1dr commented 1 year ago

Hi @hockinsk there's no need for a python install, SpleeterGUI installs with everything you need pre-configured.

If you can post all of the debug text in here i'll do my best to see what went wrong. it is typically written in the last 5 lines or so...but not always obvious what actually happened.