boy1dr / SpleeterGui

Windows desktop front end for Spleeter - AI source separation
Apache License 2.0
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Software not handling file paths with spaces in them #180

Open mdsitton opened 1 year ago

mdsitton commented 1 year ago

My windows user path has spaces in it and the gui refuses to process any files due to it looking for files in appdata and not being able to find them. The path gets cut off after the first space and gives an error in the log

boy1dr commented 1 year ago

Spleeter is a Python application so there's not much i can do about that. I have written the GUI to use quotes but that doesn't always work.

What you can do is go to the appdata folder and move SpleeterGUI to another location without spaces, then in SpleeterGUI click Advanced > set SpleeterGUI path and choose the new location of the SpleeterGUI folder.

Hope that gets you up and running :)

Let me know how it goes :)