boy1dr / SpleeterGui

Windows desktop front end for Spleeter - AI source separation
Apache License 2.0
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Error running SpleterGui. #203

Open gzasyf opened 1 year ago

gzasyf commented 1 year ago

Error running SpleterGui. Usage: separate [OPTIONS] FILES... Try ' separate --help' for help. Error: Missing argument 'FILES...'.

Python command line run: Python - m splitter separate - i z: audio Example.mp3- o z: audio Output The same goes for mistakes: Usage: separate [OPTIONS] FILES... Try ' separate --help' for help. Error: Missing argument 'FILES...'.

Finally, it was found that the command line was running correctly: Python - m sampler separate - p sampler: 2stems z: audio_ Example.mp3- o z:\

An error occurred while running SpleterGui, but the cause was not found.

boy1dr commented 1 year ago

Looks like there's some problems with the location of the source folder and the output folder and/or the source filename.

Try placing your source audio elsewhere and check that the filenames and directories don't have special characters in them.