boy1dr / SpleeterGui

Windows desktop front end for Spleeter - AI source separation
Apache License 2.0
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Unable to process long music file (22'55"). #214

Open solofrain opened 2 months ago

solofrain commented 2 months ago

I'm trying to spleet a music file that is 22'55" in length. I set it to separate 5 parts and 3600 seconds for maximum song length.

Run complete

No files are created in the destination folder.

- For It doesn't show any error or create any files created in the destination folder.

Setting it to separate 2 parts works properly.
boy1dr commented 2 months ago

Spleeter does use enormous amounts of ram for long tracks. Setting the maximum duration is an optimistic setting which doesn't guarantee that memory is enough or even available. You can try setting it to slightly longer than your source track rather than 60 minutes. Also try removing spaces from the filename. Worth a shot.

solofrain commented 2 months ago

Reducing the song length works. Thank you!