boyle / meagre-crowd

Performance testing for sparse matrix solvers
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new solver: umfpack #13

Closed boyle closed 13 years ago

boyle commented 13 years ago

from x. Li "Direct Solvers for Sparse Matrices" Mar 2010 - list of solvers

dependencies: metis, cholmod (lapack, blas, colamd, ccolamd, camd, amd)

license: GNU GPL

UMFPACK is a set of routines for solving unsymmetric sparse linear systems, Ax=b, using the Unsymmetric MultiFrontal method. Written in ANSI/ISO C, with a MATLAB (Version 6.0 and later) interface. Appears as a built-in routine (for lu, backslash, and forward slash) in MATLAB. Includes a MATLAB interface, a C-callable interface, and a Fortran-callable interface. Note that "UMFPACK" is pronounced in two syllables, "Umph Pack". It is not "You Em Ef Pack".

boyle commented 13 years ago

Installed and working: umfpack 5.5.0

wrapper code, etc are in