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Security of API clients : Add CORS header to allow JSON requests #3

Closed tdelmas closed 9 years ago

tdelmas commented 9 years ago

Please add the following header to the JSON API response : Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * This header allow any origin to read the answer.

Links :

boyter commented 9 years ago

Seems reasonable. I was opposed to this at first because it would result in whitelisting every domain like so,

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

However thinking about it all the API does is allow getting of information so it shouldn't be an issue. I will implement it now.

tdelmas commented 9 years ago

Thanks a lot (140 characters was not enough to detail all implications !)

boyter commented 9 years ago

I dont suppose you have any experience in setting this up in nginx? I was playing around with it then and set the following,

add_header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' "$http_origin";

inside the default location / and then tried the following,

$.ajax("", { type: 'get', contentType: "application/json", accept: "application/json" }).success(function(data){ console.log("success!", data); }).fail(function(jqxhr, statusText){ console.log("fail!", jqxhr, statusText); })

however no luck. Oddly a check of the headers shows that it should be working as expected,

`MacBook-Pro:~ boyter$ curl -H "Origin:" --verbose

Not sure what is going on here.

tdelmas commented 9 years ago

No problem, I should be grateful.

boyter commented 9 years ago

Yes, I have separate locations for the API calls since I need to set the content type. This was just playing around to see if I could get it working first. I set it there as well with no luck. Will try again a bit later.

$http_origin would set it to display that the Allow-Origin to be only whoever is making the call. Supposedly its a bit nicer for the consuming application since it looks like its just for them. I only changed it because * appeared not to be working.

I will play around with it a bit more.

tdelmas commented 9 years ago

Ok, thank you for trying ! If you have anymore questions, don't hesitate.

tdelmas commented 9 years ago

I've add an experimental option to test it on

boyter commented 9 years ago

Excellent. This will help. I will be looking to push this out soonish. Just trying to add some integration tests over it to ensure it is not rolled back at some point.

boyter commented 9 years ago

Ok this should be done. Let me know how it works out for you and I can close this one down.

tdelmas commented 9 years ago

yes, perfect ! Thanks a lot

boyter commented 9 years ago

For future reference,

curl -H "Origin:" --verbose