boyu-ai / Hands-on-RL
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20章的代码问题 #60

Open Wayne857 opened 1 year ago

Wayne857 commented 1 year ago


CorneliusDeng commented 1 year ago


{ "name": "AttributeError", "message": "'EnvSpec' object has no attribute 'entry_point'", "stack": "--------------------------------------------------------------------------- AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last) /Users/corneliusdeng/UESTC/Dive Into RL/IPPO.ipynb Cell 1 line 1 9 import sys 10 sys.path.append(\"./ma-gym\") ---> 11 from ma_gym.envs.combat.combat import Combat

File ~/UESTC/Dive Into RL/./ma-gym/ma_gym/ 6 logger = logging.getLogger(name) 8 # Register openai's environments as multi agent 9 # This should be done before registering new environments ---> 10 env_specs = [env_spec for env_spec in envs.registry.all() if 'gym.envs' in env_spec.entry_point] 11 for spec in envspecs: 12 register( 13 id='ma' +, 14 entry_point='ma_gym.envs.openai:MultiAgentWrapper', 15 kwargs={'name':, **spec._kwargs} 16 )

File ~/UESTC/Dive Into RL/./ma-gym/ma_gym/, in (.0) 6 logger = logging.getLogger(name) 8 # Register openai's environments as multi agent 9 # This should be done before registering new environments ---> 10 env_specs = [env_spec for env_spec in envs.registry.all() if 'gym.envs' in env_spec.entry_point] 11 for spec in envspecs: 12 register( 13 id='ma' +, 14 entry_point='ma_gym.envs.openai:MultiAgentWrapper', 15 kwargs={'name':, **spec._kwargs} 16 )

AttributeError: 'EnvSpec' object has no attribute 'entry_point'" }

Wayne857 commented 1 year ago


{ "name": "AttributeError", "message": "'EnvSpec' object has no attribute 'entry_point'", "stack": "--------------------------------------------------------------------------- AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last) /Users/corneliusdeng/UESTC/Dive Into RL/IPPO.ipynb Cell 1 line 1 9 import sys 10 sys.path.append("./ma-gym") ---> 11 from ma_gym.envs.combat.combat import Combat

File ~/UESTC/Dive Into RL/./ma-gym/ma_gym/ 6 logger = logging.getLogger(name) 8 # Register openai's environments as multi agent 9 # This should be done before registering new environments ---> 10 env_specs = [env_spec for env_spec in envs.registry.all() if 'gym.envs' in env_spec.entry_point] 11 for spec in envspecs: 12 register( 13 id='ma' +, 14 entry_point='ma_gym.envs.openai:MultiAgentWrapper', 15 kwargs={'name':, **spec._kwargs} 16 )

File ~/UESTC/Dive Into RL/./ma-gym/ma_gym/, in (.0) 6 logger = logging.getLogger(name) 8 # Register openai's environments as multi agent 9 # This should be done before registering new environments ---> 10 env_specs = [env_spec for env_spec in envs.registry.all() if 'gym.envs' in env_spec.entry_point] 11 for spec in envspecs: 12 register( 13 id='ma' +, 14 entry_point='ma_gym.envs.openai:MultiAgentWrapper', 15 kwargs={'name':, **spec._kwargs} 16 )

AttributeError: 'EnvSpec' object has no attribute 'entry_point'" }


Thom1345622974 commented 9 months ago

你好 请问keyerror这个问题是怎么解决的呀 我也遇到这个问题了