bozdoz / wp-plugin-leaflet-map

Add leaflet maps to Wordpress with shortcodes
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Do you regard the Leaflet.markercluster plugin as generic enough to be supported? #150

Closed ptandler closed 1 year ago

ptandler commented 2 years ago

This marker cluster Leaflet plugin is quite nice if you have many markers close to each other or if you want to zoom out a lot. I started working on an PR and then read your Contributing guidelines that you only might consider plugins that are "completely simplistic and globally usable". I would regard the marker cluster plugin as quite "globally usable" and hopefully also "completely simplistic". What do you think?

I actually thought of adding a [leaflet-marker-cluster-group] shortcode to be able to define multiple groups that will get clustered. This way, only markers defined after this chortcode will go to a cluster group. This won't interfere with any existing functionality.

Or is there maybe an existing way I did miss so far how to use this plugin?

bozdoz commented 2 years ago

Can definitely use whatever plugins you want. Details in the FAQ of this repo.

ptandler commented 2 years ago

Well, I meant, would the marker cluster plugin something you would consider to make sense to support directly in your plugin? Then I'd think to work on a PR to include this directly in the wp-plugin-leaflet-map. Otherwise, I'll implement it separately.

ptandler commented 2 years ago

You might want to have a look at PR #151 As this is my first time to write any WP plugin code, I'd appreciate your feedback. :smiley:

hupe13 commented 2 years ago

See Shortcode [cluster]