bp / resqpy

Python API for working with RESQML models
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Question: How to add a fault in Resqml model with grid. #808

Open AbdrahamaneBerete opened 1 month ago

AbdrahamaneBerete commented 1 month ago

Hello, I'm trying to add a fault epc model with grid and one single. Here is my code: def save_grid_to_resqml(x, y, z, properties, fault_data, resqml_file_path): """ Saves a grid with fault and additional properties to RESQML format using resqpy. """ model = rq.Model(epc_file=resqml_file_path, new_epc=True, create_basics=True, create_hdf5_ext=True)

crs = rqc.Crs(model)

x_unique = np.unique(x)
y_unique = np.unique(y)
z_unique = -np.unique(z)

extent_kji = (len(z_unique), len(y_unique), len(x_unique))
dxyz = (x_unique[1] - x_unique[0], y_unique[1] - y_unique[0], z_unique[1] - z_unique[0])
origin = (x_unique[0], y_unique[0], z_unique[0])
#print(f"{origin =}")

grid = grr.RegularGrid(model, extent_kji=extent_kji, dxyz=dxyz, origin=origin, crs_uuid=crs.uuid, as_irregular_grid=True)



grid_x, grid_y, grid_z = np.meshgrid(x_unique, y_unique, -z_unique, indexing='ij')
points = np.vstack((x, y, z)).T
grid_points = np.vstack((grid_x.flatten(), grid_y.flatten(), grid_z.flatten())).T
values = np.array(properties, dtype=np.float64)
prop_array = griddata(points, values, grid_points, method='linear').reshape(grid_x.shape)

nan_mask = np.isnan(prop_array)
if np.any(nan_mask):
    nearest_values = griddata(points, values, grid_points, method='nearest').reshape(grid_x.shape)
    prop_array[nan_mask] = nearest_values[nan_mask]

prop_array = prop_array.transpose(2, 1, 0)

single_property = rqp.Property.from_array(
    source_info='Generated by script',

# Handling fault data
fault_indices = np.where(fault_data['Fault'].values == 1)[0]
fault_points = fault_data[['X', 'Y', 'Z']].values[fault_indices]
point_set = rqs.PointSet(model, points_array=fault_points, crs_uuid=crs.uuid)

fault_surface = rqs.Surface(model, crs_uuid=crs.uuid)
fault_surface.create_xml(add_as_part=True, add_relationships=True, title="Fault Surface")

fault_feature = rqo.TectonicBoundaryFeature(model, kind='fault', feature_name='Fault1')
fault_interp = rqo.FaultInterpretation(model, tectonic_boundary_feature=fault_feature, is_normal=True)
fault_interp.create_xml(add_as_part=True, add_relationships=True)

if fault_interp.uuid is None:
    fault_interp.uuid = bu.new_uuid()
if fault_surface.uuid is None:
    fault_surface.uuid = bu.new_uuid()

# Create reciprocal relationship
model.create_reciprocal_relationship(fault_interp, 'destinationObject', fault_surface, 'sourceObject')


return model, grid

I have a problem with create_reciprocal_relationship: PS C:\Users\ABerete\Documents\code\3DGeoContext.Computation.Utils> & c:/Users/ABerete/Documents/code/3DGeoContext.Computation.Utils/.venv/Scripts/python.exe c:/Users/ABerete/Documents/code/3DGeoContext.Computation.Utils/mss3_utils/scripting/adding_faultresqml.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "c:\Users\ABerete\Documents\code\3DGeoContext.Computation.Utils\mss3_utils\scripting\adding_faultresqml.py", line 142, in main(input_file_path, fault_file_path, resqml_file_path) File "c:\Users\ABerete\Documents\code\3DGeoContext.Computation.Utils\mss3_utils\scripting\adding_faultresqml.py", line 135, in main model, grid = save_grid_to_resqml(x, y, z, properties, fault_data, resqml_file_path) File "c:\Users\ABerete\Documents\code\3DGeoContext.Computation.Utils\mss3_utils\scripting\adding_faultresqml.py", line 121, in save_grid_to_resqml model.create_reciprocal_relationship(fault_interp, 'destinationObject', fault_surface, 'sourceObject') File "C:\Users\ABerete\Documents\code\3DGeoContext.Computation.Utils.venv\lib\site-packages\resqpy\model_model.py", line 1867, in create_reciprocal_relationship return m_x._create_reciprocal_relationship(self, File "C:\Users\ABerete\Documents\code\3DGeoContext.Computation.Utils.venv\lib\site-packages\resqpy\model_xml.py", line 555, in _create_reciprocal_relationship uuid_a = node_a.attrib['uuid'] AttributeError: 'FaultInterpretation' object has no attribute 'attrib'

AbdrahamaneBerete commented 1 month ago

@andy-beer I would to add a fault in epc model with grid and one single property. Could help me to find a solution for the error?

andy-beer commented 1 month ago

"I have a problem with create_reciprocal_relationship"


The Model. create_reciprocal_relationship() method is rather old and is expecting xml tree root nodes rather than the resqpy objects you are passing to it. I recommend using Model.create_reciprocal_relationship_uuids() instead, which has a very similar signature except that it expects uuids instead of the xml nodes. So, try:

# Create reciprocal relationship
model.create_reciprocal_relationship_uuids(fault_interp.uuid, 'destinationObject', fault_surface.uuid, 'sourceObject')
AbdrahamaneBerete commented 1 month ago

Hi @andy-beer, thanks for your help. I did the change, there is no error again. But I can't see the fault when I import the EPC File in petrel. I see the grid with the property. Do have some examples (code with resqpy) on how to add a fault in epc model with grid and a property ??

Kind regards,

AbdrahamaneBerete commented 1 month ago

Hi @andy-beer, thanks for your help. I did the change, there is no error again. But I can't see the fault when I import the EPC File in petrel. I see the grid with the property. Do have some examples (code with resqpy) on how to add a fault in epc model with grid and a property ??

Kind regards,

AbdrahamaneBerete commented 1 month ago

Hi @emmanesbit and @cflynn3 , I hope you're well !!! Please, do you have some examples (code with resqpy) on adding a fault in epc model with grid and a property ??

Kind regards,

emmanesbit commented 1 month ago

Hi @AbdrahamaneBerete. Thanks for reaching out. Looking at your post above, I wonder if the issue might be around Petrel RESQML import capability, rather than anything missing in your code. In the Petrel version I am using, Petrel is able to import RESQML grids and associated properties, but does not import many other object types (though I am able to import these objects in other packages). I can't say for sure whether this is the same for your data, but if you have the option to load into other RESQML-enabled software, it might be worth a check.

AbdrahamaneBerete commented 1 month ago

Hi @emmanesbit , thanks for your answer. I tried to import some original EPC file with fault in my Petrel version and I can see the fault. The fault folder in the model is activated. have you tried to generate an EPC file with fault ??

andy-beer commented 1 month ago

Hello @AbdrahamaneBerete,

So, there are various classes of RESQML objects that have to do with geological faults, including:

Your code as it stands does not work on those last two points. As your grid has a regular geometry, I will assume that you do not want to represent the fault with a throw by explicit (irregular) geometry, so I won't comment more on the last point here.

To get a grid connection set, you can use functions in the resqpy grid_surface subpackage. The usual function to call is: find_faces_to_represent_surface(), with documentation here: https://resqpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/_autosummary/resqpy.grid_surface.find_faces_to_represent_surface.html#resqpy.grid_surface.find_faces_to_represent_surface

That function (which is computationally intensive) will be much more efficient if it 'knows' that your grid is a RegularGrid. As you are using the as_irregular_grid=True option when generating the grid object, if you reload that grid it will appear as a general resqpy Grid, rather than a RegularGrid. I would recommend setting as_irregular_grid=False unless you intend to modify the geometry.

One other small point: your 'soft' relationship between the fault surface and the interpretation might not be recognised by all software. That particular relationship can be embedded in the main xml for the surface (which is better) by:

Those enhancements should improve your RESQML dataset. However, Petrel only has very limited RESQML import capabilitiies. As a personal comment, I recommend you don't use Petrel.

AbdrahamaneBerete commented 1 month ago

Thank you so much @andy-beer.

AbdrahamaneBerete commented 1 month ago

I will try to follow your instructions. @andy-beer Please , I have two more questions:

1) which visualization tool can you propose me ?

2) If I want to create a Pillar Grid (irregular grid ) where the spacing dx, dy are constant in x and y directions and dz is not constant in z direction (dz varies between points in z directions), which kind of Class can I use? (GRID Object, Regular Grid, Unstructured GRID )

Kind regards,

AbdrahamaneBerete commented 1 month ago

Hi @andy-beer , I've followed your instructions with this code below:

def save_grid_to_resqml1(x, y, z, properties, fault_data, resqml_file_path): """ Saves a grid with fault and additional properties to RESQML format using resqpy. """ model = rq.Model(epc_file=resqml_file_path, new_epc=True, create_basics=True, create_hdf5_ext=True)

crs = rqc.Crs(model)

x_unique = np.unique(x)
y_unique = np.unique(y)
z_unique = -np.unique(z)

extent_kji = (len(z_unique), len(y_unique), len(x_unique))
dxyz = (x_unique[1] - x_unique[0], y_unique[1] - y_unique[0], z_unique[1] - z_unique[0])
origin = (x_unique[0], y_unique[0], z_unique[0])

grid = grr.RegularGrid(model, extent_kji=extent_kji, dxyz=dxyz, origin=origin, crs_uuid=crs.uuid, set_points_cached = True, as_irregular_grid=False)
#grid = grr.RegularGrid(model, extent_kji=extent_kji, dxyz=dxyz, origin=origin, crs_uuid=crs.uuid, set_points_cached = True)



grid_x, grid_y, grid_z = np.meshgrid(x_unique, y_unique, -z_unique, indexing='ij')
points = np.vstack((x, y, z)).T
grid_points = np.vstack((grid_x.flatten(), grid_y.flatten(), grid_z.flatten())).T
values = np.array(properties, dtype=np.float64)
prop_array = griddata(points, values, grid_points, method='linear').reshape(grid_x.shape)

nan_mask = np.isnan(prop_array)
if np.any(nan_mask):
    nearest_values = griddata(points, values, grid_points, method='nearest').reshape(grid_x.shape)
    prop_array[nan_mask] = nearest_values[nan_mask]

prop_array = prop_array.transpose(2, 1, 0)

    source_info='Generated by script',

#Handling fault data

fault_feature = rqo.TectonicBoundaryFeature(parent_model= model, kind='fault', feature_name='Fault 1')
fault_interp = rqo.FaultInterpretation(parent_model= model,  title='Fault 1 Interpretation', tectonic_boundary_feature=fault_feature, is_normal=True)
fault_interp.create_xml(add_as_part=True, add_relationships=True)

fault_indices = np.where(fault_data['Fault'].values == 1)[0]
fault_points = fault_data[['X', 'Y', 'Z']].values[fault_indices]

point_set = rqs.PointSet(model, points_array=fault_points, crs_uuid=crs.uuid)

fault_surface = rqs.Surface(model, crs_uuid=point_set.uuid)
fault_surface.create_xml(add_as_part=True, add_relationships=True, title='fault 1 surface')

grid_connection = rqgs.find_faces_to_represent_surface(grid, fault_surface, 'fault 1', mode = 'regular', feature_type='fault')


return model, grid

I've visualized the generated EPC file in ResQML editor tool :

I have this error with GridConnection set object : !ENTRY EPC.editor 2 0 2024-08-08 14:32:20.718 !MESSAGE The feature 'count' of 'resqmlv2.impl.ObjGridConnectionSetRepresentationImpl@37d81587{file:/C:/Users/ABerete/Documents/code/3Dmodels/2023_06_12_Larzac_2/grid_resqml_with_fault_3/obj_GridConnectionSetRepresentation_9af40ae9-5581-11ef-bee5-30894ab42fb1.xml#//@gridConnectionSetRepresentation}' contains a bad value