bpampuch / pdfmake

Client/server side PDF printing in pure JavaScript
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New nice documentation #1238

Closed liborm85 closed 2 years ago

liborm85 commented 6 years ago

New documentation: https://pdfmake.github.io/docs/

Sources is available here: https://github.com/pdfmake/docs

Help with improvement documentation is welcome.

Create a nice and clear new documentation.

Now all documentation is in readme file and Wiki. On pdfmake.org site is in Getting started (docs) tab old and not updated documentation, which is confusing for visitors.

Text on http://pdfmake.org/#/gettingstarted is hard to maintain because it is one long html file. It would be great documentation to write in Markdown and convert to html automatically, it can Hugo framework with theme for creating docs (eg. https://themes.gohugo.io/material-docs/). I do not know whether it's possible to "connect" Hugo docs page with the classic website. Thought as keep homepage, tab Features and tab Playground pages (or with minor modifications for compatibility with Hugo) and "only" change Getting started (docs) tab from html to Hugo.

And then we could be able to write a nice documentation on pdfmake.org and remove it from readme file.

TSnowRock commented 6 years ago

Can you change zhe table border color ? I need some idea

jfdesrochers commented 5 years ago

It might not be a 'nice documentation' or even a replacement of the readme.md, but I've compiled everything I could find in the examples, in the playground and in the readme into a 'Cheat Sheet'. That way it makes it easier to remember which properties go in which tag, etc. Anyone interested can find it here: https://gist.github.com/jfdesrochers/08833957232a04638c1cad4d071b31e9

It needs to be noted that this is meant for someone who already understands how to use PDFMake and is to be used as a reference (instead of combing through the examples every time).

liborm85 commented 5 years ago

I started to create new clearer documentation page - https://pdfmake.github.io/docs/ Sources is available here: https://github.com/pdfmake/docs

Help and PRs for improvement documentation are welcome.

piisawheel commented 4 years ago

Hi! Your shiny new documentation is old again. Specifically I could not get any of the methods to work except open('', '_blank'). I was able to figure out the problem... I could not use any pdfmake functions that had promises involved, using the documented syntax. Things like getBase64(callback) needs to become getBase64().then(callback). getDataUrl().then(callback) etc. These are the only 2 I tested because after I figured it out (they all failed) on getBase64, I moved onto getDataUrl which solved my issue (getting my pdf into an iframe).

I spent like 4 hours only to figure out I was missing that stupid ().then().

I hope this helps others.

Affected Methods (Afaict) are: getDataUrl getBase64 getBuffer getBlob getStream

liborm85 commented 4 years ago

If you are newbie, why do you use unstable master version? Try to read warning in readme in master: readme And use latest stable version from npm or other sources.

piisawheel commented 4 years ago

I am not a newbie. I needed the features. The fact that I was missing .then for my promises is an easy syntax error to make. Or are you a perfect coder who's never spent time only to realize you were making a stupid mistake? And typically, when i'm trying to solve a problem, I turn first to the documentation.
Your version 1 AND version 2 branch readme files both point to the same documentation! If the documentation is wrong, or wrong for 1 or the other branch, how the hell am I supposed to know? Cause your documentation doesn't have any version numbers on it. So, you have 1 set of documentation for 2 versions with no version information on it that are apparently different being pointed to from 2 different branches that tells people to do the wrong thing, and you wonder why they get frustrated and have to dig into your code only to realize they were making a simple mistake, because they were following your documentation a little too closely.

No dude, i'm not a newbie. This one's on you!

Edit: Alpha or no, the library works really well when you are getting your promises back properly. I thought others who might be making the same stupid mistake I was or actual newbies might like to know why what's in the documentation isn't working for them.

liborm85 commented 4 years ago

If you really read the documentation, follow its text! In documentation here is described how to install/download pdfmake. It is not written anywhere that you have to use a master branch.

The documentation for version 0.2 does not exist because this version is still under development and there is no tag and not released.

In readme is a warning:

This is unstable master branch for version 0.2.x, for stable version 0.1.x see branch 0.1.

Each library has some work in progress that has not yet been completed. Therefore, it is not possible to blindly just clone a git and expect everything to work properly, according to documentation of another version.

If you are not newbie, then you already use pdfmake somewhere and you should use the stable version in production... if not, good luck dude.

piisawheel commented 4 years ago

Sure. Can you fix the readme for Version 2 so it doesn't point to version 1's documentation then? Cause that's confusing as hell.