Closed Avital-Kapiloff closed 5 years ago
Same problem, but other languages. CJK, arabian,.... At the moment mixing ttf fonts with FontForge, not sure if all characters are working.
Thank you.
If you did not find one font file with all the necessary character sets. Of if not you must use different fonts for different character sets, example:
var dd = {
content: [
{text: 'Text A', font: 'Roboto'},
{text: 'Text B', font: 'Otherfont1'},
{text: 'Text C', font: 'Otherfont2'},
But the problem is that I don't know when I have to use Roboto or when I have to use Othefont because I don't know the language of the text.
Then is required font file with all necessary character sets.
@liborm85 Thank you for your response!
I decided to check the content of the text and only then decide what font to use depending on the language it's working fine except the Korean. is there different behaver for Korean letters?
using this font - i tried a few diffaret fonts it still didn't work for me (
any clue what is going on? I'm getting an empty space where the Korean text should go
import pdfMake from "pdfmake/build/pdfmake";
import pdfFonts from "other/vfs_fonts";
pdfMake.fonts = {
"bold": 'NanumGothic-Regular.ttf',
"normal": 'NanumGothic-Regular.ttf'},
"normal": 'NotoSansEthiopic-Regular.ttf',
"bold": 'NotoSansEthiopic-Bold.ttf'}
function getFont(string) {
if (checkAmharic(string)) {
return "amharic_font";
} else if (checkKorean(string)) {
return "korean_font";
} else {
return "default_font";
function checkAmharic(x) {
return /[\u1200-\u137F]/.test(x); // will return true if an amharic letter is present
function checkKorean(x) {
return /[가-힣]+/.test(x); // will return true if an Korean letter is present
var caseDocDefinition = {
[ 'ASCII-1: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z',
'ASCII-2: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z',
'ASCII-3: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9',
'ASCII-4: . , : ; - _ ! ? / " \' ` ^ ~ * + = \\ | # $ @ % & ( ) < > [ ] { }',
'German: Ä Ö Ü ä ö ü ß',
'Czech-1: Á Č Ď É Ě Í Ň Ó Ř Š Ť Ú Ů Ý Ž',
'Czech-2: á č ď é ě í ň ó ř š ť ú ů ý ž',
'Romanian-1: Ă Â Î Ş Ţ',
'Romanian-2: ă â î ş ţ',
'Slovenian-1: Č Š Ž',
'Slovenian-1: č š ž',
'Slowak-1: Á Ä Č Ď É Í Ľ Ĺ Ň Ó Ô Ŕ Š Ť Ú Ý Ž',
'Slowak-2: á ä č ď é í ľ ĺ ň ó ô ŕ š ť ú ý ž',
'Special: § ´ ² ³ ° µ €',
'polish: Cześć',
{width:350, text: '여보세요', style: getFont('여보세요'), alignment: 'justify'},
{width:350, text: 'some other text', style: getFont('some other text'), alignment: 'justify'},
{width:350, text: 'ሰላም', style: getFont('ሰላም'), alignment: 'justify'}
defaultStyle: {
font: "Roboto"
styles: {
amharic_font: {
font: "NotoSansEthiopic",
margin: [10,0,0,2]
korean_font: {
font: "NanumGothic",
margin: [10,0,0,2]
default_font: {
font: "Roboto",
margin: [10,0,0,2]
/* Create the pdf */
Probably font NanumGothic not support this characters and therefore blank space is displayed.
I tried a bunch of other korean fonts it didn't work for me
I was wondering if it could be the way the font is built that the library cant read it? I think I'm having the same issue as this
Same problem with korean (this is the output, japanese, arabian, chinese, greek an. korean) have a problem with one chinese character. \u{304b}\u{304d}\u{306f}\u{304f}\u{307e} لبرانننلببهعغفف 不是杂志。那是字典 ηγωσσερθ 호ㅓㅑㅐㅛㅅㄱThis is a sta
I used the exact font that he mentions in this comment to solve the issue other fonts didn't work for me.
Pdfmake using pdfkit library for rendering PDF files, please create issue there. Thanks.
Released in 0.1.54.
working great! thank you!
Hello all, I am trying to download the pdf for korean and chinese character. I read this blog and working great for korean but for chinese, some character are missing.
Hi, I'm creating a PDF and I need support for Korean, Amharic, Polish, English. I can't find one font that contains them all. I don't know the content of the text so I can't specify what font to use. How do I overcome that issue? Thanks.
example of content that should work...