bpampuch / pdfmake

Client/server side PDF printing in pure JavaScript
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pdfmake & vue.js CDN only example. #2498

Open suchislife801 opened 1 year ago

suchislife801 commented 1 year ago

Hello. I wanted to post a CDN only example for those who are learning pdfmake & vue.js at the same time. This is a single page html file that only needs itself to run. Node.js is not required. Npm is not required. Just a browser to load the page.

I have included as many features and comments as possible. Also all default configurations are explicit so you can learn and understand what they do while looking at a single document.

There are 2 buttons; one that renders PDF in HTML iframe and one that downloads the same PDF as a file optionally with a custom name.

Attached is the PDF output of this example as well. output.pdf

pdfmake is an awesome library and I wanted to showcase its features in a single, functional, ready to run document.


  1. Save the code below to an HTML file and open it in a browser.
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <title>pdfmake-0.2.6 + vue.js Example</title>
    <!-- BOOTSTRAP CDN 5.2.2 CSS -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/bootstrap/5.2.2/css/bootstrap.min.css" integrity="sha512-CpIKUSyh9QX2+zSdfGP+eWLx23C8Dj9/XmHjZY2uDtfkdLGo0uY12jgcnkX9vXOgYajEKb/jiw67EYm+kBf+6g==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer" />
    <!-- <script src="https://unpkg.com/vue@next"></script> -->
    <!-- VUE.JS 3.2.8 LOCAL PRODUCTION -->
    <!-- <script src="js/v3.2.8/vue.global.prod.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script> -->
    <!-- VUE.JS 3.2.8 CDN DEVELOPMENT -->
    <!-- <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/3.2.41/vue.global.min.js" integrity="sha512-lgbnN1gNswbc8DPmFF2F9n951EGPK0p9PmPkzECHyjC4bmv6Be6ezWQB7mIjPJ5pAdYehSj+Nm0brW0NjCoFmQ==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script> -->
    <!-- VUE.JS 3.2.8 CDN PRODUCTION -->
    <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/3.2.41/vue.global.prod.min.js" integrity="sha512-0bHFSq8ASKChkYlLEzEnqpH3H/RSqL7UvhhOmSPz5JxozXuMge8JtNuv/0cgZRv2ZUR0GO9rdo576xUbKcrNIg==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>
    <!-- <script src="pdfmake-0.2.6/build/pdfmake.min.js"></script> -->
    <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/pdfmake/0.2.6/pdfmake.min.js" integrity="sha512-7BzHjLXs8xehClrkJEtJtAwXxcbLast87k+XekuItHxrMr/v6POWkoKS2/8CU6DHdIjY+A4NwvsBQ8PxoRH7xQ==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>
    <!-- <script src="pdfmake-0.2.6/build/vfs_fonts.js"></script> -->
    <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/pdfmake/0.2.6/vfs_fonts.min.js" integrity="sha512-P0bOMePRS378NwmPDVPU455C/TuxDS+8QwJozdc7PGgN8kLqR4ems0U/3DeJkmiE31749vYWHvBOtR+37qDCZQ==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>
    <div id="app">
      <!-- BUTTON RENDER PDF -->
      <button type="button" id="buttonRenderPdf" class="btn btn-info" v-on:click="renderPdf($event)">Render PDF</button>
      <!-- BUTTON DOWNLOAD PDF -->
      <button type="button" id="buttonDownloadPdf" class="btn btn-info" v-on:click="downloadPdf($event)">Download PDF</button>
      <!-- IFRAME PDF PREVIEW -->
      <iframe id="iframePreviewPdf" width="100%" height="2048"></iframe>


      const App = {

        data() {

          return {

            docDefinition: { 

               * ##########################################################
               * ##########################################################
               * ##########################################################

               *     ####   ####  #    # ###### #  ####  
               *    #    # #    # ##   # #      # #    # 
               *    #      #    # # #  # #####  # #      
               *    #      #    # #  # # #      # #  ### 
               *    #    # #    # #   ## #      # #    # 
               *     ####   ####  #    # #      #  ####  
               *    The pdf document is configured with
               *    the following default object properties.
              // Document Meta Data (Visible in document properties)
              info: {
                title: "Title of Document",
                author: "Author Name",
                subject: "Subject of Document",
                keywords: "Keywords for Document",
                creator: "XYZ Solutions Inc.",
                producer: "pdfmake-0.2.6",
                creationDate: new Date(),
                modDate: new Date()

              // Document Compression (May substantially reduce size of PDF file!)
              compress: false,

              // Document Version of PDF (Required for and specifies encryption type!)
              version: "1.7",
              // Document User Password (Required to activate encryption!)
              userPassword: "",
              // Document Owner Password (Required to activate permissions!)
              ownerPassword: "123",

              // Document Permissions
              permissions: {
                printing: "highResolution",
                modifying: false,
                copying: false,
                annotating: false,
                fillingForms: false,
                contentAccessibility: false,
                documentAssembly: false,
                exttractingPages: false

              // Document Page Settings (Affects all pages!)
              pageSize: "LETTER",
              pageOrientation: "portrait",
              // left, top, right, bottom
              pageMargins: [54, 54, 54, 72],

              // Background Layer (Prints on all pages!)
              background: {
                // Document Border
                canvas: [
                    type: "rect",
                    x: 36,  y: 36,
                    w: 540, h: 702,
                    r: 3,
                    lineColor: "#212121"

              // Watermark (Prints on all pages!)
              watermark: {
                text: "Watermark",
                fontSize: 72,
                color: "#6d4c41",
                opacity: 0.075,
                angle: -55,
                normal: true,
                bold: true,
                italics: false,
                bolditalics: false

              // Document Default Styles (Takes precendence until locally overwritten!)
              defaultStyle: {
                font: "Roboto",
                fontSize: 12,
                color: "#404040",
                normal: true,
                bold: false,
                italics: false,
                bolditalics: false

              // Document Custom Styles (Optionally applied locally!)
              styles: {
                "text-left": {
                  alignment: "left"
                "text-center": {
                  alignment: "center"
                "text-right": {
                  alignment: "right"

               * ##########################################################
               * ##########################################################
               * ##########################################################

               *    #    # ######   ##   #####  ###### #####  
               *    #    # #       #  #  #    # #      #    # 
               *    ###### #####  #    # #    # #####  #    # 
               *    #    # #      ###### #    # #      #####  
               *    #    # #      #    # #    # #      #   #  
               *    #    # ###### #    # #####  ###### #    # 
               *    The pdf document header is stored
               *    in the header object property.
              header: {
                columns: [
                  // STACK 1
                    stack: [
                        text: "header-left",
                        // left, top, right, bottom
                        margin: [41, 27, 0, 0],
                        font: "Roboto",
                        fontSize: 7.5,
                        color: "#404040",
                        normal: true,
                        bold: true,
                        italics: false,
                        bolditalics: false
                    width: "*",
                    style: "text-left"
                  // STACK 2
                    stack: [
                        text: "header-center",
                        // left, top, right, bottom
                        margin: [0, 27, 0, 0],
                        font: "Roboto",
                        fontSize: 7.5,
                        color: "#404040",
                        normal: true,
                        bold: true,
                        italics: false,
                        bolditalics: false
                    width: "*",
                    style: "text-center"
                  // STACK 3
                    stack: [
                        text: "header-right",
                        // left, top, right, bottom
                        margin: [0, 27, 41, 0],
                        font: "Roboto",
                        fontSize: 7.5,
                        color: "#404040",
                        normal: true,
                        bold: true,
                        italics: false,
                        bolditalics: false
                    width: "*",
                    style: "text-right"

               * ##########################################################
               * ##########################################################
               * ##########################################################

               *     ####   ####  #    # ##### ###### #    # ##### 
               *    #    # #    # ##   #   #   #      ##   #   #   
               *    #      #    # # #  #   #   #####  # #  #   #   
               *    #      #    # #  # #   #   #      #  # #   #   
               *    #    # #    # #   ##   #   #      #   ##   #   
               *     ####   ####  #    #   #   ###### #    #   #   
               *    The pdf document content is stored
               *    in the content object property.

              content: [
                // Simple text example
                "This is a simple text line.",
                // Rich text example
                  text: [
                    // Simple text part...
                    "This is a rich-text line with text ",
                    // Rich text part...
                      text: "formatted in bold",
                      // left, top, right, bottom
                      margin: [0, 0, 0, 0],
                      font: "Roboto",
                      fontSize: 12,
                      color: "#404040",
                      normal: true,
                      bold: true,
                      italics: false,
                      bolditalics: false
                    // Another Simple text part...
                    // Add more parts from here on...

              ], // End content here.

               * ##########################################################
               * ##########################################################
               * ##########################################################

               *    ######  ####   ####  ##### ###### #####  
               *    #      #    # #    #   #   #      #    # 
               *    #####  #    # #    #   #   #####  #    # 
               *    #      #    # #    #   #   #      #####  
               *    #      #    # #    #   #   #      #   #  
               *    #       ####   ####    #   ###### #    # 
               *    The pdf document footer is returned
               *    from the footer object property.
               *    In this case, footer is a function which
               *    returns dynamic data including current year,
               *    page nubmer & page count.
              footer: function(currentPage, pageCount) {

                return {

                  columns: [
                    // STACK 1
                      stack: [
                          text: `Form F-1 © ${new Date().getFullYear()} - XYZ Solutions Inc.`,
                          // left, top, right, bottom
                          margin: [41, 21, 0, 0],
                          font: "Roboto",
                          fontSize: 7.5,
                          color: "#404040",
                          normal: true,
                          bold: true,
                          italics: false,
                          bolditalics: false
                      width: "*",
                      style: "text-left"
                    // STACK 2
                      stack: [
                          text: "footer-center",
                          // left, top, right, bottom
                          margin: [0, 21, 0, 0],
                          font: "Roboto",
                          fontSize: 7.5,
                          color: "#404040",
                          normal: true,
                          bold: true,
                          italics: false,
                          bolditalics: false
                      width: "*",
                      style: "text-center"
                    // STACK 3
                      stack: [
                          text: "PAGE " + currentPage.toString() + " of " + pageCount.toString(),
                          // left, top, right, bottom
                          margin: [0, 21, 41, 0],
                          font: "Roboto",
                          fontSize: 7.5,
                          color: "#404040",
                          normal: true,
                          bold: true,
                          italics: false,
                          bolditalics: false
                      width: "*",
                      style: "text-right"

               * ##########################################################
               * ##########################################################
               * ##########################################################

            } // End pdfmake docDefinition {}
          } // End VUE return {}
        }, // End VUE data {}
        methods: {

          // VUE Method
          renderPdf: function (event) {

            const pdfDocument = pdfMake.createPdf(this.docDefinition);

             * pdfmake getDataUrl & render to iframe
            pdfDocument.getDataUrl((dataUrl) => {
              document.querySelector("#iframePreviewPdf").src = dataUrl;


          // VUE Method
          downloadPdf: function (event) {

            const pdfDocument = pdfMake.createPdf(this.docDefinition);

             * Trigger a file download by saving a Blob with 
             * Content-Type set to "application/octet-stream",
             * then programatically creating an anchor with 
             * target attribute set to "_blank" and download
             * attribute set to "CustomFileName.pdf"
            pdfDocument.getBlob((blob) => {

              const file = new Blob([blob], {type: "application/octet-stream"});

              const a = document.createElement("a");

              a.href = URL.createObjectURL(file);
              a.target = "_blank";
              a.download = "CustomFileName.pdf";



        }, // END VUE methods

    <!-- BOOTSTRAP CDN 5.2.2 JS -->
    <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/bootstrap/5.2.2/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js" integrity="sha512-BOsvKbLb0dB1IVplOL9ptU1EYA+LuCKEluZWRUYG73hxqNBU85JBIBhPGwhQl7O633KtkjMv8lvxZcWP+N3V3w==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>
oleteacher commented 1 year ago

Really great example, thank you for sharing!