bpanel-org / bpanel

A Blockchain Management System, powered by bcoin
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Problems with installing via npm #173

Open pinheadmz opened 5 years ago

pinheadmz commented 5 years ago

The installer script I'm working on installs bpanel via npm: npm install bpanel-org/bpanel#development

This installs bpanel in <app root>/node_modules/@bpanel/bpanel and when entering that directory and running npm run start or npm run start:poll a few issues pop up:

1) None of the devDependencies in package.json are installed by default. Execution first breaks because webpack is missing, then I manually installed that, then it broke looking for the next package it needed mini-css-extract-plugin and so on... After installing again like normal, if I enter the root bpanel directory and run npm install --only=dev ALL the devDependencies will be added, and installed in <app root>/node_modules/@bpanel/bpanel/node_modules but I can't figure out a way to install everything in the first command. Likely stuff like webpack should just be a regular dependency anyway right?

2) There are still module resolution errors, I don't even understand:

Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'bcoin' in '/Users/matthewzipkin/Desktop/T/node_modules/bmultisig/lib'
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'hs-client' in '/Users/matthewzipkin/Desktop/T/node_modules/@bpanel/bpanel'
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'hs-client' in '/Users/matthewzipkin/Desktop/T/node_modules/@bpanel/bpanel-utils/dist'
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'hs-client' in '/Users/matthewzipkin/Desktop/T/node_modules/hsd/lib/wallet'
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'hsd' in '/Users/matthewzipkin/Desktop/T/node_modules/@bpanel/bpanel-utils/dist'