bparmentier / OpenBikeSharing

Shared bikes availability in your city
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Aggregate Trento (IT) networks or add the ability to open more networks at once #40

Open sanzoghenzo opened 6 years ago

sanzoghenzo commented 6 years ago

First time user here, sorry if it's already been asked (I couldn't find any info on that). In the city where I live (Trento, Italy) there is a bike sharing network that works across few towns (Trento, Lavis, San Michele All'adige, Mezzolombardo, Mezzocorona) that are listed as separate networks (e.motion for Trento and Bicincittà for the others).

I think they should be listed as a single network because I can pick/park a bike in any station of these towns.

Regardless, it could be a good thing to be able to select multiple networks, even if they don't talk to each other (i.e. if I'm commuting by bus/train between two towns that have different bike sharing networks but I use both of them locally).

Keep up the good work!

peter-alexander commented 6 years ago

I agree on that. There should be checkboxes to select more networks.

mirh commented 6 years ago

https://github.com/eskerda/pybikes/blob/master/pybikes/data/bicincitta.json If you check here (openbikesharing just queries this api) that's expected. Every network is a totally different page to 'scan', so they cannot be merged. Maybe ping BicinCittà to see if they can merge different comuni, even though I wouldn't be expecting anything from a company that stores and transmits passwords in plaintext.

If any, adding more networks could be the thing. I guess the most difficult task would be figuring out the right UI to present the user in this case.