App needs to request "location permission" to work on Android 10:
12-13 16:06:05.898 1330 1404 I ActivityManager: Start proc 26757:be.brunoparmentier.wifikeyshare/u0a326 for activity {be.brunoparmentier.wifikeyshare/be.brunoparmentier.wifikeyshare.ui.activities.WifiListActivity}
12-13 16:06:05.905 26757 26757 E er.wifikeyshar: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
12-13 16:06:05.976 1330 4089 E WifiService: Permission violation - getConfiguredNetworks not allowed for uid=10326, packageName=be.brunoparmentier.wifikeyshare, reason=java.lang.SecurityException: UID 10326 has no location permission
App needs to request "location permission" to work on Android 10: