bpatrik / pigallery2

A fast directory-first photo gallery website, with rich UI, optimized for running on low resource servers (especially on raspberry pi)
MIT License
1.77k stars 203 forks source link

New files never scanned without database reset - rclone docker volume #512

Open zoickx opened 2 years ago

zoickx commented 2 years ago

When mounting /app/data/images using the rclone docker volume plugin, new files added to the directory (after pigallery starts) are never scanned/displayed until the database is reset. Simply indexing does not help.

Notably, new files can still be found in pigallery by direct paths (i.e. going to pigallery.example.com/gallery/newdir prompts a rescan and displays all images correctly, but newdir is never shown at pigallery.example.com/gallery until the database is reset).

The problem appears to be in the combination of pigallery and rclone: mounting local directories works fine, so sorry if this question/report is misplaced. However, in defense of rclone itself, this exact volume on the same machine works perfectly well with other services, such as filebrowser and Nextcloud even, pigallery alone seems to have issues.

I'm wondering: what could be causing this issue in pigallery that is not present in other services? My understanding is that metadata on the mounted volume behaves the same, regardless of what docker volume driver is used.

Edit: for context, briefly, the rclone docker plugin allows to seamlessly mount a great number of cloud storage providers/protocols (from FTP, to Dropbox, to S3) as volumes into containers.


docker-compose.yml ``` yaml volumes: rclone-volume: driver: rclone driver_opts: remote: 'myremote:' allow_other: 'true' vfs_cache_mode: 'full' services: pigallery2: image: bpatrik/pigallery2:latest environment: - NODE_ENV=production volumes: - ./pigallery2/config:/app/data/config - ./pigallery2/db:/app/data/db - ./pigallery2/tmp:/app/data/tmp - rclone-volume:/app/data/images expose: - 80 restart: always caddy: ... ```
Full config All defaults with the exception of log level "silly". ``` json { "Server": { "sessionSecret": [ "42dbb20a1da200a70a3b6944c62a5cf74981f836eb6e5be528b575fb1383788761588d15dd00d69d37cf0eaf029765aaa589d1827b48ca56124e74151c1512178d104e0ca07bc83edd73739751624bb1dc9112f2a8386fd2882ff448920736813d45e16e3cb0c917fca66741b90f442369d18d39d817e3898fbe82be7af8a33935aa57fc07caedcb081a090e871d1aee4bc1a3869cd3d9f4dfffa1c210c6f29cbccb08e5d78d3321688f30da1280757002cfb1a3f11beaad6c523345a97c054a20a7706e75de3f1ef3fd17aaf97b89503d2075d16c39c91e7e03390b2df3dda74ebb7c34b9ca2f167d356de5b35bdafb0bc66637a1f1583ff3a5c8d293d52eb4", "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", "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" ], "port": 80, "host": "", "Media": { "//[folder]": "Images are loaded from this folder (read permission required)", "folder": "/app/data/images", "//[tempFolder]": "Thumbnails, converted photos, videos will be stored here (write permission required)", "tempFolder": "/app/data/tmp", "Video": { "transcoding": { "bitRate": 5242880, "resolution": 720, "fps": 25, "codec": "libx264", "format": "mp4", "//[crf]": "Constant Rate Factor. The range of the CRF scale is 0–51, where 0 is lossless, 23 is the default, and 51 is worst quality possible.", "crf": 23, "//[preset]": "A preset is a collection of options that will provide a certain encoding speed to compression ratio", "preset": "medium", "//[customOptions]": "It will be sent to ffmpeg as it is, as custom options.", "customOptions": [] } }, "Photo": { "Converting": { "//[onTheFly]": "Converts photos on the fly, when they are requested.", "onTheFly": true, "resolution": 1080 } }, "Thumbnail": { "//[qualityPriority]": "if true, photos will have better quality.", "qualityPriority": true, "personFaceMargin": 0.6 } }, "Preview": { "SearchQuery": { "type": 100, "text": "" }, "Sorting": [ 6, 4 ] }, "Threading": { "//[enabled]": "App can run on multiple thread", "enabled": true, "//[thumbnailThreads]": "Number of threads that are used to generate thumbnails. If 0, number of 'CPU cores -1' threads will be used.", "thumbnailThreads": 0 }, "Database": { "type": "sqlite", "dbFolder": "/app/data/db", "sqlite": { "DBFileName": "sqlite.db" }, "mysql": { "host": "localhost", "port": 3306, "database": "pigallery2", "username": "", "password": "" }, "//[enforcedUsers]": "Creates these users in the DB if they do not exist. If a user with this name exist, it wont be overwritten, even if the role is different.", "enforcedUsers": [] }, "Sharing": { "updateTimeout": 300000 }, "//[sessionTimeout]": "unit: ms", "sessionTimeout": 604800000, "Indexing": { "cachedFolderTimeout": 3600000, "reIndexingSensitivity": "low", "//[excludeFolderList]": "If an entry starts with '/' it is treated as an absolute path. If it doesn't start with '/' but contains a '/', the path is relative to the image directory. If it doesn't contain a '/', any folder with this name will be excluded.", "excludeFolderList": [ ".Trash-1000", ".dtrash", "$RECYCLE.BIN" ], "//[excludeFileList]": "Any folder that contains a file with this name will be excluded from indexing.", "excludeFileList": [] }, "//[photoMetadataSize]": "only this many bites will be loaded when scanning photo for metadata", "photoMetadataSize": 524288, "Duplicates": { "listingLimit": 1000 }, "Log": { "level": "silly", "sqlLevel": "error", "logServerTiming": false }, "Jobs": { "//[maxSavedProgress]": "Job history size", "maxSavedProgress": 10, "scheduled": [ { "name": "Indexing", "jobName": "Indexing", "config": { "indexChangesOnly": true }, "allowParallelRun": false, "trigger": { "type": "never" } }, { "name": "Preview Filling", "jobName": "Preview Filling", "config": {}, "allowParallelRun": false, "trigger": { "type": "never" } }, { "name": "Thumbnail Generation", "jobName": "Thumbnail Generation", "config": { "sizes": [ 240 ], "indexedOnly": true }, "allowParallelRun": false, "trigger": { "type": "after", "afterScheduleName": "Preview Filling" } }, { "name": "Photo Converting", "jobName": "Photo Converting", "config": { "indexedOnly": true }, "allowParallelRun": false, "trigger": { "type": "after", "afterScheduleName": "Thumbnail Generation" } }, { "name": "Video Converting", "jobName": "Video Converting", "config": { "indexedOnly": true }, "allowParallelRun": false, "trigger": { "type": "after", "afterScheduleName": "Photo Converting" } }, { "name": "Temp Folder Cleaning", "jobName": "Temp Folder Cleaning", "config": { "indexedOnly": true }, "allowParallelRun": false, "trigger": { "type": "after", "afterScheduleName": "Video Converting" } } ] } }, "Client": { "applicationTitle": "PiGallery 2", "publicUrl": "", "urlBase": "", "Search": { "enabled": true, "searchCacheTimeout": 3600000, "AutoComplete": { "enabled": true, "targetItemsPerCategory": 5, "maxItems": 30, "cacheTimeout": 3600000 }, "maxMediaResult": 10000, "//[listDirectories]": "Search returns also with directories, not just media", "listDirectories": false, "//[listMetafiles]": "Search also returns with metafiles from directories that contain a media file of the matched search result", "listMetafiles": true, "maxDirectoryResult": 200 }, "Sharing": { "enabled": true, "passwordProtected": true }, "Album": { "enabled": true }, "Map": { "enabled": true, "//[maxPreviewMarkers]": "Maximum number of markers to be shown on the map preview on the gallery page.", "maxPreviewMarkers": 50, "useImageMarkers": true, "mapProvider": "OpenStreetMap", "mapboxAccessToken": "", "customLayers": [ { "name": "street", "url": "" } ] }, "RandomPhoto": { "//[enabled]": "Enables random link generation.", "enabled": true }, "Other": { "customHTMLHead": "", "enableCache": true, "enableOnScrollRendering": true, "defaultPhotoSortingMethod": "ascDate", "//[enableDirectorySortingByDate]": "If enabled directories will be sorted by date, like photos, otherwise by name. Directory date is the last modification time of that directory not the creation date of the oldest photo", "enableDirectorySortingByDate": false, "enableOnScrollThumbnailPrioritising": true, "NavBar": { "showItemCount": true }, "captionFirstNaming": false, "enableDownloadZip": false, "//[enableDirectoryFlattening]": "Adds a button to flattens the file structure, by listing the content of all subdirectories.", "enableDirectoryFlattening": false }, "authenticationRequired": true, "unAuthenticatedUserRole": "Admin", "Media": { "Thumbnail": { "iconSize": 45, "personThumbnailSize": 200, "thumbnailSizes": [ 240, 480 ] }, "Video": { "enabled": true }, "Photo": { "Converting": { "enabled": true }, "//[loadFullImageOnZoom]": "Enables loading the full resolution image on zoom in the ligthbox (preview).", "loadFullImageOnZoom": true } }, "MetaFile": { "//[gpx]": "Reads *.gpx files and renders them on the map.", "gpx": true, "//[markdown]": "Reads *.md files in a directory and shows the next to the map.", "markdown": true, "//[pg2conf]": "Reads *.pg2conf files (You can use it for custom sorting and save search (albums)).", "pg2conf": true }, "Faces": { "enabled": true, "keywordsToPersons": true, "writeAccessMinRole": "Admin", "readAccessMinRole": "User" } } } ```
Full log 1. Start new server with one directory (`/labrador/`) 2. Log in 3. Push a new directory alongside the existing one (`/dingo/`) 4. Renew page 5. _Run now: Indexing_ in settings 6. _Run now: Database Reset_ in settings 7. Go back to `/gallery`, refresh page ``` log 7/2/2022, 6:53:25 PM[INFO_][server] running diagnostics... 7/2/2022, 6:53:25 PM[INFO_][SQLConnection] Updating database scheme 7/2/2022, 6:53:26 PM[VERBS][server] using config from /app/data/config/config.json: 7/2/2022, 6:53:26 PM[SILLY][ThreadPool] Creating thread pool with 1 workers 7/2/2022, 6:53:26 PM[SILLY][ObjectManagers] Object manager reset begin 7/2/2022, 6:53:26 PM[DEBUG][ObjectManagers] Object manager reset 7/2/2022, 6:53:26 PM[DEBUG][SQLConnection] Creating connection: sqlite , with driver: better-sqlite3 7/2/2022, 6:53:27 PM[INFO_][JobManager] Running job schedules 7/2/2022, 6:53:27 PM[DEBUG][JobManager] skipping schedule:Indexing 7/2/2022, 6:53:27 PM[DEBUG][JobManager] skipping schedule:Preview Filling 7/2/2022, 6:53:27 PM[DEBUG][JobManager] skipping schedule:Thumbnail Generation 7/2/2022, 6:53:27 PM[DEBUG][JobManager] skipping schedule:Photo Converting 7/2/2022, 6:53:27 PM[DEBUG][JobManager] skipping schedule:Video Converting 7/2/2022, 6:53:27 PM[DEBUG][JobManager] skipping schedule:Temp Folder Cleaning 7/2/2022, 6:53:27 PM[DEBUG][ObjectManagers] SQL DB inited 7/2/2022, 6:53:27 PM[INFO_][server] Listening on port 80 7/2/2022, 6:53:27 PM[DEBUG][ThreadPool] Worker 21 is online, worker count: 1 7/2/2022, 6:53:27 PM[DEBUG][Worker] Worker is waiting for tasks 7/2/2022, 6:54:01 PM[DEBUG] HEAD /heartbeat 200 20ms 7/2/2022, 6:54:05 PM[DEBUG] GET / 200 17ms 7/2/2022, 6:54:06 PM[DEBUG] GET /styles.ab937cf3b433dd2b8120.css 304 17ms 7/2/2022, 6:54:06 PM[DEBUG] GET /polyfills-es2015.671e3d6d9cc74c62b56c.js 304 11ms 7/2/2022, 6:54:06 PM[DEBUG] GET /runtime-es2015.ecf3e67b02343e346c3d.js 304 8ms 7/2/2022, 6:54:06 PM[DEBUG] GET /assets/icon.png 304 8ms 7/2/2022, 6:54:06 PM[DEBUG] GET /main-es2015.36eae00aed09bc9c6249.js 304 5ms 7/2/2022, 6:54:06 PM[DEBUG] GET /scripts.3c3e9a19f3e3801f8abe.js 304 5ms 7/2/2022, 6:54:06 PM[VERBS] GET /api/user/me 200 11ms 7/2/2022, 6:54:06 PM[VERBS] GET /api/notifications 200 19ms 7/2/2022, 6:54:06 PM[DEBUG] GET /assets/icon_inv.png 304 12ms 7/2/2022, 6:54:06 PM[SILLY][GalleryManager] Reindexing reason: never scanned 7/2/2022, 6:54:06 PM[SILLY][DiskManager] scanning directory: / 7/2/2022, 6:54:06 PM[DEBUG] GET /open-iconic.42125a176cf7bfb24819.woff 304 7ms 7/2/2022, 6:54:06 PM[VERBS] GET /api/gallery/content/?klm=1656787459010&kls=1656787610732 200 84ms 7/2/2022, 6:54:41 PM[DEBUG] HEAD /heartbeat 200 9ms 7/2/2022, 6:55:06 PM[DEBUG] GET /gallery/ 200 8ms 7/2/2022, 6:55:06 PM[DEBUG] GET /styles.ab937cf3b433dd2b8120.css 304 3ms 7/2/2022, 6:55:06 PM[DEBUG] GET /assets/icon.png 304 4ms 7/2/2022, 6:55:07 PM[DEBUG] GET /runtime-es2015.ecf3e67b02343e346c3d.js 304 26ms 7/2/2022, 6:55:07 PM[DEBUG] GET /main-es2015.36eae00aed09bc9c6249.js 304 27ms 7/2/2022, 6:55:07 PM[DEBUG] GET /polyfills-es2015.671e3d6d9cc74c62b56c.js 304 28ms 7/2/2022, 6:55:07 PM[DEBUG] GET /scripts.3c3e9a19f3e3801f8abe.js 304 13ms 7/2/2022, 6:55:07 PM[VERBS] GET /api/notifications 200 3ms 7/2/2022, 6:55:07 PM[DEBUG] GET /assets/icon_inv.png 304 2ms 7/2/2022, 6:55:07 PM[VERBS] GET /api/user/me 200 5ms 7/2/2022, 6:55:07 PM[VERBS] GET /api/gallery/content/ 200 37ms 7/2/2022, 6:55:16 PM[VERBS] GET /api/admin/statistic 200 14ms 7/2/2022, 6:55:16 PM[VERBS] GET /api/settings 200 130ms 7/2/2022, 6:55:16 PM[VERBS] GET /api/user/list 200 5ms 7/2/2022, 6:55:16 PM[VERBS] GET /api/share/list 200 10ms 7/2/2022, 6:55:16 PM[VERBS] GET /api/admin/jobs/available 200 3ms 7/2/2022, 6:55:16 PM[VERBS] GET /api/admin/jobs/scheduled/progress 200 3ms 7/2/2022, 6:55:16 PM[VERBS] GET /api/settings 200 57ms 7/2/2022, 6:55:20 PM[INFO_][JOB] Running job : Indexing 7/2/2022, 6:55:20 PM[DEBUG] POST /api/admin/jobs/scheduled/Indexing/start 200 27ms 7/2/2022, 6:55:20 PM[SILLY] Skipping reindexing, no change for: / 7/2/2022, 6:55:20 PM[SILLY][DiskManager] scanning directory: labrador 7/2/2022, 6:55:20 PM[VERBS] GET /api/admin/jobs/scheduled/progress 200 3ms 7/2/2022, 6:55:21 PM[INFO_][JOB] Job finished: Indexing 7/2/2022, 6:55:22 PM[DEBUG] HEAD /heartbeat 200 5ms 7/2/2022, 6:55:26 PM[VERBS] GET /api/admin/jobs/scheduled/progress 200 3ms 7/2/2022, 6:55:31 PM[VERBS] GET /api/admin/jobs/scheduled/progress 200 2ms 7/2/2022, 6:55:36 PM[VERBS] GET /api/admin/jobs/scheduled/progress 200 2ms 7/2/2022, 6:55:36 PM[INFO_][JOB] Running job : Database Reset 7/2/2022, 6:55:36 PM[INFO_][IndexingManager] Resetting DB 7/2/2022, 6:55:36 PM[INFO_][JOB] Job finished: Database Reset 7/2/2022, 6:55:36 PM[DEBUG] POST /api/admin/jobs/scheduled/Database%20Reset/start 200 13ms 7/2/2022, 6:55:37 PM[VERBS] GET /api/admin/jobs/scheduled/progress 200 2ms 7/2/2022, 6:55:41 PM[VERBS] GET /api/admin/jobs/scheduled/progress 200 2ms 7/2/2022, 6:55:46 PM[VERBS] GET /api/admin/jobs/scheduled/progress 200 3ms 7/2/2022, 6:55:47 PM[SILLY][GalleryManager] Reindexing reason: never scanned 7/2/2022, 6:55:47 PM[SILLY][DiskManager] scanning directory: / 7/2/2022, 6:55:47 PM[VERBS] GET /api/gallery/content/?klm=1656787997501&kls=1656788046532 200 31ms 7/2/2022, 6:55:47 PM[SILLY] [SharpRenderer] rendering photo:/app/data/images/dingo/n02115641_10021.jpg, size:240 7/2/2022, 6:55:47 PM[VERBS] GET /api/gallery/content/dingo/n02115641_10021.jpg/thumbnail/240 200 109ms 7/2/2022, 6:56:02 PM[DEBUG] HEAD /heartbeat 200 9ms 7/2/2022, 6:56:23 PM[SILLY][GalleryManager] Reindexing reason: never scanned 7/2/2022, 6:56:23 PM[SILLY][DiskManager] scanning directory: dingo 7/2/2022, 6:56:23 PM[SILLY] [SharpRenderer] rendering photo:/app/data/images/dingo/n02115641_10021.jpg, size:480 ```
bpatrik commented 2 years ago

My guess is that mounting hides the folder modification date, so the app thinks it never changed.

Try this setting this to a higher value (so the app will more aggressively reindex):
