bpbond / cosore

Data, metadata, and software tools for the COSORE database of continuous soil respiration measurements
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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Danielle notes #197

Closed bpbond closed 4 years ago

bpbond commented 4 years ago

"Given note in ""Ben notes"" column, should the description be ""Flux"" since presumably other types of flux than soil respiration can be reported?

Consider adding a note similar to CSR_FLUX_CH4 for the directionality."

bpbond commented 4 years ago

Given note in "Ben notes" column, should the description be "Standard error of CO2 flux" since 1) presumably other types of flux than soil respiration can be reported and 2) this is now CO2 specific?

bpbond commented 4 years ago

Drop "soil" from description? CSR_FLUX_CO2

bpbond commented 4 years ago

CSR_NEE -> move to ancillary

bpbond commented 4 years ago

How is this measured? Is it from the air sampled in the chamber or is it a probe in the soil? If the later, consider CSR_SOIL_O2

bpbond commented 4 years ago


bpbond commented 4 years ago

Remove CSR_PORT from ancillary!

bpbond commented 4 years ago


bpbond commented 4 years ago

"Why not integer?"

bpbond commented 4 years ago

CSR_TCHAMBER - use consistent nomenclature with CO2 and RH

bpbond commented 4 years ago

CSR_TWATER - to ancillary

bpbond commented 4 years ago


bpbond commented 4 years ago

"WTD seems to be removed? Note to DSC: check this -- I believe it is opposite of AmeriFlux"

bpbond commented 4 years ago

sensor depths - "Originally this was ""gradient method only"". Is this still the case?

Consider adding to description, what type of sensors these depths are describing"

bpbond commented 4 years ago

"AmeriFlux BADM has +/- equivalent site-level variables for most of these ancillary data. We have moved to an approach that requires a xx_STATISTIC (e.g., Min, Max, Mean) variable be supplies. We also allow for more detail in some cases, like approach, depths, etc

We anticipate adding spatial specificity in future.

We may not be able to map these ancillary data to AmeriFlux unless the additional statistic information is defined / supplied. This might be OK.

How would the data provider enter a measurement taken on a particular day but doesn't have finer resolution time information?"

bpbond commented 4 years ago

Modify description of timestamp fields in ancillary - clarify e.g. for annual data

Timestamp is WINDOW OF MEASUREMENT Date is "representative of this time period"

bpbond commented 4 years ago

Maybe add CSR_DATE to ancillary? That could be 2020 or 2020-04 or 2020-04-07

bpbond commented 4 years ago


bpbond commented 4 years ago