bpc-clone / bypass-paywalls-firefox-clean

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Request/ lavozdegalicia.es #51

Closed crubenlopez closed 1 month ago

crubenlopez commented 1 month ago

Describe issue/request: Hi! Its possible to add lavozdegalicia.es in the paywall? Link of paywalled article: for example, this article is paywalled: https://www.lavozdegalicia.es/noticia/economia/2024/05/29/empresas-ayudas-reduzcan-actividad-empleo-deberan-devolverlas/0003_202405G29P26994.htm

Actions you tried yourself and if it works (clear cookies, disabe Javascript, change user-agent/referer, reader view, archive sites and/or add a custom site): I tried multiple options, but only one works the google search tool. Browser (main version): Firefox (last version)

BPC-extension version (number): Bypass Paywalls Clean v3.6.1.0


bpc-clone commented 1 month ago

Indeed, only elaborate fix.\ Site is in custom sites list (import from online), but first manually update your add-on to v3.7.0.0 (see readme).