bpeng / tickets

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Open bpeng opened 8 years ago

bpeng commented 8 years ago

05/07/2016 TODO

  1. huboard and mtr https://huboard.com/GeoNet/mtr#/
  2. app for network team http://www.fulcrumapp.com/ no more dropbox
  3. possible training likely aws http://www.bespoketraining.com/developing-on-aws-2/
  4. google satellite with leaflet
  5. Bootstrap-4.0/leaflet-1.0.0 updates
bpeng commented 8 years ago


I'm a little bit worried we're training and travel crazy at the moment (overloading you and possibly the budget). Not everything has to happen in the next 12 months though!

What interest is there in these courses? Do we put them on the "if possible but not a priority list, sometime in the next 12 - 18 months?"

I was thinking maybe:

Chris and Soren http://www.bespoketraining.com/architecting-on-aws/ (comes to NZ often) Baishan and Howard http://www.bespoketraining.com/developing-on-aws-2/ (probably means going to Oz).

With AWS having some time to read the docs and do some experimentation is probably as good as the courses. I view them as nice to have not need to have.

Cheers, Geoff

bpeng commented 8 years ago

mtr maps:





this is not complete (need change api to accept parameters): https://mtr-api.geonet.org.nz//data/completeness/summary?bbox=NewZealand&width=800&typeID=gnss.1hz

bpeng commented 8 years ago

I wrote a blog about gRPC and web services over HTTP/2. https://blog.geoffc.nz/grpc/ I also wrote a test Go client and server project https://github.com/gclitheroe/grpc-exp

gRPC looks like the future for many of our internal web services - it replaces so much boiler plate code and improves service documentation hugely over HTTP/1.1 and REST+JSON.

For example - we need a write an api for FITS (to replace the feature limited fits-loader). This will need developing as part of the low data rate logger project and gRPC looks like a very good candidate. gRPC also has code generation in 10 languages (including Python) which may be of interest for any other FITS api clients.

Dev team - it would be well worth you having a look into my project and maybe try deploying the server in AWS - at the moment it looks possible but challenging. The only way to get an Application Balancer in EB right now is via the EB cli (which is different to the AWC cli) http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/dg/eb-cli3.html

a white board sketch about where I could see gRPC being very useful. Similar ideas apply to MTR. It's the collections side of the api that will benefit a lot in the first instance.




[8:59 AM] Geoff Clitheroe: I wanted to mention some ideas about issue tracking and us testing out some other tools while we're not to busy. I was interested to try Kanban in https://www.atlassian.com/software/jira/agile Kanban being the Agile flavour that is good for our buisness as usual work (bug fixes, maintenance etc). [8:59 AM] Geoff Clitheroe: I think we need some sort of online tool as we're often not in the office.

bpeng commented 7 years ago
