bpennypacker / WeatherFlow-Indigo-Plugin

Indigo Plugin for obtaining weather from WeatherFlow
GNU General Public License v2.0
3 stars 2 forks source link

Indigo 2022 #39

Open jltnol opened 1 year ago

jltnol commented 1 year ago

As Indigo leaves Python 2.x behind, I'm wondering if there are any plans to upgrade this plugin to the latest version of Python. I actually use this a lot with my Tempest, so am hoping that it will be updated to use Python 3.

norcoscia commented 1 year ago

I have the same question - I’m holding on moving forward with indigo updates until some key plug-ins upgrade to P3 - if you get a free second please let us know and thanks for the plug-in….

bpennypacker commented 1 year ago

I do hope to upgrade the plugin for Python 3 etc. but I just haven't had any time recently. I hope to start work on it shortly.

norcoscia commented 1 year ago

Thanks so much - I have so many control pages to update it will be nice to just switch them all over to point to my weatherflow station :-)

jltnol commented 1 year ago

Yes... THANKS.
And since the next "fall off the cliff" version of Indigo hasn't been announced yet, seems there is no real rush.

norcoscia commented 1 year ago

Funny - just noticed my weatherflow went off line - battery drained down too low - weird since all we have had is sun sun sun for weeks.

But yes - no weatherflow emergencies :-)

jltnol commented 1 year ago

Oddly enough, mine is "offline" as well as of 11:41AM CST. wondering if Tempest is having problems. I'm never quite sure if the data is sent to Tempest first, and then Indigo downloaded it from here.... but either way... last reported battery was 2.75V, but it still shows as offline...

norcoscia commented 1 year ago

Mine looks like a battery issue :-(


bpennypacker commented 1 year ago

I originally had the older air/sky units before the Tempest was available. The rechargeable battery in my sky unit died after a year or so, so I reached out to WeatherFlow support to see what could be done. They didn't have any replacement parts available so they offered to let me get a Tempest for a highly discounted price. You might try reaching out to them to see what options they offer you regarding the battery dying. With a bit of luck they'll still be as helpful as they were with me.

norcoscia commented 1 year ago

Funny the exact same thing happened to me but I had to replace the original solar module twice if I remember correctly - I submitted an email - the support is great but for some reason it seems they can’t get a reliable solar / battery design in place. My problem is getting too old to go up and down on the roof to mess with it :-(

bpennypacker commented 1 year ago

It turns out updating the plugin to support python3 was relatively easy. I've had it running in Indigo v2022.1 for a few days now without any sign of issues. New release should be ready shortly.

norcoscia commented 1 year ago

Thanks, I have a new weatherflow on the way - once I get that working I’ll work on updating indigo :-)

jltnol commented 1 year ago

Hey there.

First, thank you so much for making sure this plugin continues to work into the future. I’m pretty sure I already know the answer to what follows, but wanted to ask anyway. I’m actually logging info from Tempest thru Indigo triggers.

One thing that happens is the Tempest will measure rainfall into the hundredths of an inch. “0.03”, but the plugin only shows rain measured in the tenths of an inch “0.1”. So in logging, there are days when I do have some rain, but not enough for the plugin to measure.

I’m guessing this is because this is the info that is exposed to the plugin from Tempest is limited… but a wondering if there is a (EASY) way to have the plugin recognize smaller rainfall amounts.