bpillon / google_maps_cluster_manager

Simple Flutter clustering library for Google Maps
MIT License
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Error after updating flutter #62

Open guns28 opened 3 months ago

guns28 commented 3 months ago

after updating i'm facing this issue here :

 Future<Marker> Function(Cluster<Place>) get _markerBuilder =>
      (cluster) async {}

ClusterManager _initClusterManager() {
    return ClusterManager<Place>(items, _updateMarkers,
        markerBuilder: _markerBuilder);

The argument type 'Future Function(Cluster)' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'Future Function(dynamic)?

Styort commented 3 months ago

I recently got the same error. Has anyone solved it? Also build failed with error: ../../../../../../AppData/Local/Pub/Cache/hosted/pub.dev/google_maps_cluster_manager-3.1.0/lib/src/cluster_manager.dart:8:1: Error: 'Cluster' is imported from both 'package:google_maps_cluster_manager/src/cluster.dart' and 'package:google_maps_flutter_platform_interface/src/types/cluster.dart'.

Styort commented 3 months ago

The reason and solution to the issue is described here