In util there are functions based on regex and lists, e.g. Action types or html tags, that can be used to check a UI log generated from smartRPA or that should be processed using smartRPA for inconsistencies in the data.
E.g. the coordinates attribute is filled with a string, or the slides attribute does not contain comma sperated numbers.
The functions are already implemented in util.
They need to be used in the processing
def handleDataQualityCheck(): and def staticNoiseFilter(uilog: pd.DataFrame, uiProcessingFlag: bool) -> pd.DataFrame: in the GUI method need implementation
In util there are functions based on regex and lists, e.g. Action types or html tags, that can be used to check a UI log generated from smartRPA or that should be processed using smartRPA for inconsistencies in the data. E.g. the coordinates attribute is filled with a string, or the slides attribute does not contain comma sperated numbers.
The functions are already implemented in util.
They need to be used in the processing
def handleDataQualityCheck():
anddef staticNoiseFilter(uilog: pd.DataFrame, uiProcessingFlag: bool) -> pd.DataFrame:
in the GUI method need implementation