bpm / bpm

Browser Package Manager
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invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 (ArgumentError) causes by bpm init #84

Closed everplays closed 8 years ago

everplays commented 12 years ago

here's full trace: http://pastebin.com/b7uKuXSZ

I'm using: bpm: 1.0.0 rc4 ruby: 1.9.2 OS: GNU/Linux - Fedora

wagenet commented 12 years ago

Please use BPM 1.0.0 final. RC4 is outdated. If you still have issues, let me know.

everplays commented 12 years ago

yes, same issue with 1.0.0


wagenet commented 12 years ago

Can you give me the output of: ruby -e "require 'execjs'; puts ExecJS.runtime"

everplays commented 12 years ago

yes, here's output:

$ ruby -e "require 'execjs'; puts ExecJS.runtime" #<ExecJS::ExternalRuntime:0x0000000159c238> $

wagenet commented 12 years ago

Sorry, should have asked you to run: ruby -e "require 'execjs'; puts ExecJS.runtime.inspect"

everplays commented 12 years ago


$ ruby -e "require 'execjs'; puts ExecJS.runtime.inspect" #<ExecJS::ExternalRuntime:0x000000021d9d20 @name="SpiderMonkey", @command="js", @runner_path="/home/behrooz/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p180/gems/execjs-1.2.9/lib/execjs/support/spidermonkey_runner.js", @test_args=nil, @test_match=nil, @encoding=nil, @binary="/usr/bin/js"> $