bpmlod / Neuro-symbolic_LLOD_report

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Examples of existing approaches #5

Open twktheainur opened 7 months ago

twktheainur commented 7 months ago

Add examples of papers for existing approaches combining structured linguistic data with LLMs

twktheainur commented 7 months ago


dgromann commented 7 months ago

https://aclanthology.org/2023.acl-long.308/ (mildly related)

twktheainur commented 7 months ago

Learning Disentangled Representations for Natural Language Definitions : https://aclanthology.org/2023.findings-eacl.101.pdf

twktheainur commented 7 months ago

Disentangling Language and Knowledge in Task-Oriented Dialogs https://aclanthology.org/N19-1126.pdf

hgoliv commented 7 months ago

Not LLMs, but word embeddings: "On the Utility of Word Embeddings for Enriching OpenWordNet-PT", https://drops.dagstuhl.de/storage/01oasics/oasics-vol093-ldk2021/OASIcs.LDK.2021.21/OASIcs.LDK.2021.21.pdf

twktheainur commented 7 months ago

To monitor: https://www.iospress.com/catalog/journals/neurosymbolic-artificial-intelligence

A027f3RC7ag8 commented 7 months ago

Question Answering over Knowledge Graphs with Neural Machine Translation and Entity Linking

PSYCHIC: A Neuro-Symbolic Framework for Knowledge Graph Question-Answering Grounding

Glottocrisio commented 6 months ago

This article cope with the task of Ontology Evaluation. Although the case-study is not on LLOD, the methodology can be arguably applied to them too:


Glottocrisio commented 6 months ago

For the same reason, these papers have to be taken into account. However, there is no particular interesting task we can take inspiration from, as in the example before:






twktheainur commented 6 months ago

Starting point for a classification ? Is neuro-symbolic AI meeting its promises in natural language processing? A structured review https://content.iospress.com/articles/semantic-web/sw223228

Also check WG3 survey: https://www.semantic-web-journal.net/system/files/swj3591.pdf

Phillip Schneider, Tim Schopf, Juraj Vladika, Mikhail Galkin, Elena Simperl, and Florian Matthes. 2022. A Decade of Knowledge Graphs in Natural Language Processing: A Survey. In Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 12th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers), pages 601–614, Online only. Association for Computational Linguistics. https://aclanthology.org/2022.aacl-main.46/

A027f3RC7ag8 commented 6 months ago

Free Mindmap tool (save changes with File->Save->Save File) Mindmap Issue: URL is not stable (changes after editing)

Giedre-hub commented 5 months ago

Neuro-symbolic for discourse https://hammer.purdue.edu/articles/thesis/Neural-Symbolic_Modeling_for_Natural_Language_Discourse/19708246 Thesis_MLPacheco_final_fixed.pdf

Glottocrisio commented 4 months ago

Free Mindmap tool (save changes with File->Save->Save File) Mindmap Issue: URL is not stable (changes after editing)

This is a nice idea for visualization, after that scope, topics and targets are defined, so that the reader can more easily works his way towards what mostly interest him.

A027f3RC7ag8 commented 4 months ago

Another tool for colaborative working on diagrams (with Github integration): https://www.drawio.com/

A027f3RC7ag8 commented 2 months ago

In March, there was the virtual conference (Poolparty Summit 2024) of Semantic Web Company. I'd like to share the link to an interesting presentation on the nyse topic. Altough the talk is not related to LLOD, it features two use cases of nyse AI in real world applications.

Integrating neurosymbolic AI in sales managment

Here is the link to all other presentations of the conference