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Camunda 8 Form Reference #949

Closed philippfromme closed 10 months ago

philippfromme commented 1 year ago

The upcoming form deployment and linking feature will allow users to link to a deployed form through the properties panel. If the user chooses to embed, the existing Form JSON Configuration field is shown.


If the user chooses to link, a new Form ID field is shown.



Product Hub Issue: https://github.com/camunda/product-hub/issues/419 Figma: https://www.figma.com/proto/ArESsfaYnKWs9XFJl0WgvW/Form-deployment?page-id=381%3A18143&type=design&node-id=408-17411&viewport=2287%2C1554%2C0.22&t=NTbiEanf5Udhzjts-1&scaling=scale-down&starting-point-node-id=408%3A17411

philippfromme commented 1 year ago

Example XML from the specification:

<bpmn:userTask id="Activity_0b43p4y" name="fdtest1_usertask">
    <zeebe:formDefinition formId="MY_FORM" />
nikku commented 1 year ago

@philippfromme I updated this to comply with the latest (and agreed upon) specification that uses formDefinition#formId for external form linking.

nikku commented 1 year ago

We'd want to update https://github.com/camunda/zeebe-bpmn-moddle/pull/49 accordingly.

One thing I flagged (CC @YanaSegal) is that I'd like to establish external linking as a pattern immediately. Hence I propose to change the labels:

What do you think about that proposal?

philippfromme commented 1 year ago

Apparently, there is a reason not to promote linking:

In production, this [embedding] is actually an advantage, because developers don't want form changes to appear adhoc in running processes, which is compromising production stability

cf. https://github.com/camunda/product-hub/issues/419#issue-1359878416

So I'm not sure what our strategy should be.

CatalinaMoisuc commented 1 year ago

Apparently, there is a reason not to promote linking:

In production, this [embedding] is actually an advantage, because developers don't want form changes to appear adhoc in running processes, which is compromising production stability

cf. camunda/product-hub#419 (comment)

So I'm not sure what our strategy should be.

Let's clarify that @philippfromme and keep in mind that the form linking in Web Modeler will require linking via reference, we will not update on the fly the XML to update the embedded forms.

nikku commented 1 year ago

Let's clarify on the https://github.com/camunda/product-hub/issues/419.

nikku commented 1 year ago

I've raised what @philippfromme and myself discussed via https://github.com/camunda/product-hub/issues/419#issuecomment-1695757302.

nikku commented 11 months ago

Will look into this POST release.