bpmn-io / bpmn-js

A BPMN 2.0 rendering toolkit and web modeler.
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bundle bpmn-js as webjar #169

Closed zerounix closed 9 years ago

zerounix commented 9 years ago

it should be possible to use bpmn-js as a webjar in JSF or different maven build environments.

I already bundled a lib here: https://github.com/zerounix/webjar-bpmn-js

The webjar bundles 2 Versions,

Could you please review the webjar project especially the pom.xml (licensce etc.)

In the next step it would be cool, if these versions, i manually assembled, build in a bpmn-js github project, so the webjar can take it from there.

So we can download 4 artefacts:

regards, Daniel

nikku commented 9 years ago

I have two of questions:

nikku commented 9 years ago

One way to build the webjar-bpmn-js project can be that it pulls bpmn-js via npm and builds the artifacts itself. This can easily be established similar to custom-bower-bundle.

I am happy to provide you with an example of how to do it.

zerounix commented 9 years ago

i would not bundle the full depencies in bpmn-js, just the included diagram-js libs. jquery-mousewheel etc. can be downloaded via webjars again. i would take care of this via maven see https://github.com/zerounix/webjar-bpmn-js/blob/master/pom.xml the dependencies section.

i will check the bower project and come back.

zerounix commented 9 years ago

I think the bower-bpmn-js project would be my bpmn-js-viewer, yes.

could you please provide me an example how to do that npm pull?

zerounix commented 9 years ago

Hi Nico,

so if i coild get the assets into npm i could use this maven plugin i just found https://github.com/mulesoft/npm-maven-plugin

zerounix commented 9 years ago


i had a chat with the guy from the webjars project and rebuild my webjar project according to his advice.

One thing still bugs me a litte, is that i could not find a prebuild modeler asset on github. So i downloaded it from demo.bpmn.io/vendor/bpmn-js/bpmn.min.js.

Do you have that anywhere prebuild?

I will submit the webjar now, if thats ok for you?

greets, Daniel

nikku commented 9 years ago

Is it possible to republish a webjars bundle under a different name in the future?

I had a closer look into the webjars topic today. Before we can actually support this we would need to

We will resolve these issues somewhere in the future. I'd love to wait and publish the webjar based on proper build artifacts.

zerounix commented 9 years ago

That is ok for me. It is still possible to have minor versions of webjars, like 0.7.0-0.

Do you have an idea when there will be these artefacts?

We will wait and deploy the artefact to our company nexus till then.

nikku commented 9 years ago

We provide (viewer + navigation) packages and the modeler prebundled with our next release via bower-bpmn-js.

Are you ok with the webjar project to the bpmn-io organization? I'd love to make you the maintainer of this project, too since you have been the one initiating it and using it.

As said, we would provide the complete tested and bundled files with every release. There should not be much work involved with publishing the webjars project.

zerounix commented 9 years ago

That's totally ok for me. Just let me know when to do anything.

nikku commented 9 years ago

@zerounix You received an invitation the bpmn-io organization as the maintainer of webjar-bpmn-js.

I added two issues that reflect the remaining work todo.

A complete webjar bundle including the viewer+navigation + modeler will ship with the next version of bpmn-js.