Open till-stadtler opened 11 months ago
I assume this does not apply to conditional labels, right?
You are right! Labels should also be allowed on conditional sequence flows!
Will be addressed via (some more work needed to wrap that one up, some day maybe).
The rule should detect the following modeling patterns
Sequence flows that are not outgoing from OR/XOR gateways should not have labels. Labeling these sequence flows can lead to confusion.
Instead either use no label, because the following activity speaks for itself, or an intermediate none event:
How does the rule improve the BPMN diagram?
Instead of having confusing labels on sequence flows that are not outgoing from OR/XOR gateways, they are either removed or replaced with an intermediate none event.
In Camunda, intermediate none events can be used for business intelligence in Optimize.
Rule Details
What alternatives did you consider?
BPMN models continue to contain labels on sequence flows that are not outgoing from OR/XOR gateways.