bpmn-io / bpmnlint

Validate BPMN diagrams based on configurable lint rules.
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Be Able to Specify Path When Reporting Issue Through Reporter#report #69

Closed philippfromme closed 2 years ago

philippfromme commented 2 years ago

When using Reporter#report one can only provide the element ID and the error message. There is no way to provide additional properties e.g. the path of the property that has caused the error to be reported. I'd image something along the lines of:

Reporter.report('ServiceTask_1', '<zeebe:TaskDefinition> must have <zeebe:type> property', {
  path: [ 'extensionElements', 'values', 0, 'zeebe:type' ]

Adding an optional third argument wouldn't introduce any breaking changes.

Related to https://github.com/bpmn-io/internal-docs/issues/430

nikku commented 2 years ago

To consider: Does a user need to construct the path herself? Or does bpmnlint take care of it?

nikku commented 2 years ago

The fundamental BPMNLint feature we're talking about here is: Be able to address sub-paths within an element.

nikku commented 2 years ago

Another way to think about it: We could also turn this thing upside down.

No path is introduced, instead elements are reported using the standard way:

Reporter.report(zeebeTaskDefinition, 'must have <zeebe:type> property');

// or

Reporter.report(buildPath(serviceTask, zebeeTaskDefinition), 'must have <zeebe:type> property');
philippfromme commented 2 years ago

@nikku That's a good question. We could introduce this as a general feature, yes.

philippfromme commented 2 years ago

The utility for getting the path would have to be available in the respective plugins (e.g. bpmnlint-plugin-camunda-compat). I'm not sure what Reporter.report(buildPath(serviceTask, zebeeTaskDefinition), 'must have <zeebe:type> property'); would look like? Reporter.report([ 'ServiceTask_1', 'extensionElements', 0 'type' ], 'must have <zeebe:type> property');? That would introduce a breaking change and also require us to parse the path assuming the first key is the element's ID. I'm not a huge fan of that idea. My current approach looks like this:

class Reporter {
  constructor({ moddleRoot, rule }) {
    this.rule = rule;
    this.moddleRoot = moddleRoot;
    this.messages = [];
    this.report = this.report.bind(this);

  report(id, message, options) {
    let report = {

    if (options) {
      report = {
        options // optional


The rule itself would look something like this:

// ...

return {
  message: 'Element of type <zeebe:TaskDefinition> must have <zeebe:type> property',
  path: [ ...getPath(taskDefinition, node), 'zeebe:type' ] // get the path of `taskDefinition` relative to `node`

As @smbea is going to start working on https://github.com/camunda/bpmnlint-plugin-camunda-compat/issues/7 we need to come to an agreement regarding the solution for this issue.

@nikku What are your thoughts? Shall we have a chat about this?

nikku commented 2 years ago

How would the CLI output look like in your idea?

nikku commented 2 years ago

We have to think this end-to-end, and if that means a major breaking change, I'd be fine with it.

philippfromme commented 2 years ago

I guess you'd expect something similar to:

> bpmnlint invoice.bpmn

  ServiceTask_1#extensionElements.values.0    error    Element of type <zeebe:TaskDefinition> must have <zeebe:type> property    camunda-cloud-1-0

✖ 1 problem (1 error, 0 warnings)

In that case we'd probably make the path concept known to bpmnlint. 🤔

philippfromme commented 2 years ago

The API could still look like Reporter#report(id, message, path) with path being the only optional parameter. The CLI output could be formatted accordingly.

nikku commented 2 years ago

Had a short conversation with @philippfromme on the topic:

Created https://github.com/bpmn-io/moddle/issues/41 as a follow-up. I don't think we'll be able to tackle it in due time.


// getPath will be required not only by bpmnlint plugins (e.g. bpmnlint-plugin-camunda-compat)
// but also by bpmn-js-properties-panel
import { getPath } from '@bpmn-io/moddle-helpers';

// ...

reporter.report('ServiceTask_1', 'Task definition missing');
reporter.report('ServiceTask_1', 'Task definition type missing', [ 'extensionElements', 'values', 0, 'type' ]); // create path manually
reporter.report('ServiceTask_1', 'Task definition retries missing', [ ...getPath(moddleElement, parentModdleElement), 'retries' ]); // create path using utility


// [
//   {
//     id: 'ServiceTask_1',
//     message: 'Task definition missing'
//   },
//   {
//     id: 'ServiceTask_1',
//     message: 'Task definition type missing',
//     path: [ 'extensionElements', 'values', 0, 'type' ]
//   },
//   {
//     id: 'ServiceTask_1',
//     message: 'Task definition retries missing',
//     path: [ 'extensionElements', 'values', 0, 'retries' ]
//   }
// ]

CLI output:

> bpmnlint invoice.bpmn

 ServiceTask_1    error    Task definition missing    camunda-cloud-1-0
 ServiceTask_1#extensionElements.values.0.type    error    Task definition type missing    camunda-cloud-1-0
 ServiceTask_1#extensionElements.values.0.retries    error    Task definition retries missing    camunda-cloud-1-0

✖ 3 problems (3 errors, 0 warnings)